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Ukrainian women are worldwide known for their unique beauty. It is the Slavic beauty, but another - more wild, more magical.

A typical Ukrainian female has an attractive East Slavic appearance. She has a white skin, light brown or blond hair, and gray, green or blue eyes. But due to the historical incest, there are many brown-eyed brunettes, especially in the west of the country.

There are many admirers of Ukrainian beauty in the world. This is no accident. Local women are known for their luxurious body shapes with magnificent breasts, slim waist and sexy thighs. A lot of men are able to go daft because of such a beauty. Ukrainian brides are popular among men from almost the whole Europe. And not only from Europe.

Admiring foreigners often assert that Ukrainian women are the most beautiful ladies. Compliments set their head in a whirl, but do not forget that the Ukrainian type of appearance, like any other, has its own characteristics.

Ukrainian girls have the Caucasoid phenotype, although not without some Asian influence. It can be called the oriental charm:

  1. Cheekbones are not very expressive, a lower jaw is small enough, and a face is generally soft and rounded.
  2. Ukrainian women usually have big eyes. They look convex a little bit, namely large and beautiful, that is a definite plus.
  3. Beautiful lips - big and thick. There is a significant number of Ukrainian girls with thick lips. Fortunately, fashion for the lip augmentation to unnatural sizes is almost gone and you can meet only natural thick lips females here.
  4. Most of the girls in this country have neat noses from nature, which should not be altered for aesthetic reasons. And the biggest happiness: they practically do not have sloping chins, when a head is smoothly connected with a neck.

Women here always eager to be attractive in male eyes, that is why they do care for themselves. They spend a lot of time for beauty care and do not regret money for it. Fresh manicure and smooth epilation - mandatory attributes of local girls. Always made up, coiffed, stylishly dressed up, they go along the streets like real queens. Especially, Ukrainian girls are crazy about heels. Every girl in Ukraine has several couples of seductive high heels.

Character and behavior features of Ukrainian women:

  1. Ukrainian girls are kind, friendly and shy. They are always ready to help in a difficult situation. Many of them can be even called as sacrificial relative to their families.
  2. Hospitable and generous, they kindly welcome guests and make the serving up in the magnificent way.
  3. Women in Ukraine are excellent housewives, mothers and wives. They are well educated and hardworking.
  4. They appreciate the strong family relationship. There is a hidden matriarchy in the Ukrainian families, where a man is the head, while a woman is his neck. Women in this country skillfully control their men, who do not even realize it.
  5. Ukrainian women are smart and clever, they know how to have fun and are able to maintain a conversation on any topic.
  • 34. Daria Werbowy (19 November 1983) - Canadian top model with Ukrainian roots.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Daria Werbowy

    read also: Russian models

  • 33. Alena Vinnitskaya (27 December 1974) - Ukrainian author and performer of songs in the pop-rock style.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Alena Vinnitskaya

  • 32. Inna Tsimbaluk (11 June 1985) - Ukrainian fashion model, TV presenter, actress. She gained fame by winning the contest "Miss Ukraine-Universe 2006".

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Inna Tsimbaluk

  • 31. Nadezhda Granovskaya (10 April 1982) - Ukranian singer.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Nadezhda Granovskaya

  • 30. Julia Pinchuk - participant of the contest "Miss Ukraine 2010".

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Julia Pinchuk

  • 29. Olga Kharlan (4 September 1990) - Ukrainian saber fencer, Olympic champion and world champion, repeated champion of Europe.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Olga Kharlan

  • 28. Oksana Marchenko (28 April 1973) - Ukrainian TV presenter and journalist.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Oksana Marchenko

  • 27. Olga Sumskaya (22 August 1966) - Ukrainian actress and television presenter.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Olga Sumskaya

  • 26. Marina Petrenko (19 January 1987) - Ukrainian actress.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Marina Petrenko

  • 25. Diana Kovalchuk (23 February 1982) - Ukrainian top model.

    Diana Kovalchuk

  • 24. Viktoriya Sasonkina (1 January 1988) - Ukrainian top model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Viktoriya Sasonkina

  • 23. Katheryn Winnick (17 December 1977) - Canadian actress of Ukrainian origin.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Katheryn Winnick

  • 22. Karina Mihaylenko (1976) - Ukrainian model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Karina Mihaylenko

  • 21. Vlada Litovchenko (7 August 1970) - Ukrainian top model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Vlada Litovchenko

  • 20. Kseniya Kuzmenko (1979) - "Miss Ukraine-1997", TV presenter and interior designer.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Kseniya Kuzmenko

  • 19. Anna Zayachkivska (12 December) - model, Miss Ukraine 2013.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Anna Zayachkivska miss Ukraine 2013

  • 18. Inna Goruk (24 June 1983) - first vice ”Мисс Ukraine International-2006”.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Inna Goruk

  • 17. Anna Zakusylo (1987) - Ukrainian professional model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Anna Zakusylo

  • 16. Nataliya Gotsiy (10 July 1985) - Ukrainian top model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Nataliya Gotsiy

  • 15. Anastasiya Bozhkova (23 June 1989) - Ukrainian model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Anastasiya Bozhkova

  • 14. Olga Kurylenko (14 November 1979) - French actress and model of Ukrainian origin.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Olga Kurylenko

  • 13. Snejana Onopka (15 December 1986) - Ukrainian supermodel.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Snejana Onopka

  • 12. Tina Karol (25 January 1985) - Ukrainian singer and actress.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Tina Karol

    read also: Beautiful Jewish Women

  • 11. Nadezhda Ruchka (16 April 1981) - Russian singer of Ukrainian origin.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Nadezhda Ruchka

  • 10. Ani Lorak (27 September 1978) - popular Ukrainian pop singer.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Ani Lorak

  • 9. Mika Newton (5 March 1986) - Ukrainian pop singer and actress.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Mika Newton

  • 8. Vera Brezhneva (3 February 1982) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Vera Brezhneva

  • 7. Irina Zhuravskaya (1990) - Ukranian model.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Irina Zhuravskaya

  • 6. Kristina Oparina (2 November 1992) - winner of the TV project "Queen of Ukraine-2011".

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Kristina Oparina

  • 5. Alena Scherban (12 December 1983) - Ukrainian top model..

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Alena Scherban

  • 4. Nastya Kamenskikh (4 May 1987) - Ukranian singer,actress and TV host.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Анастасия Nastya Kamenskikh

  • 3. Dasha Astafieva (4 August 1985) - Ukranian model, singer, actress.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Dasha Astafieva

  • 2. Olesya Stefanko (25 June 1988) - Ukrainian participant of beauty contests.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Olesya Stefanko

  • 1. Zlata Ognevich (12 January 1986) - Ukrainian singer.

    Beautiful Ukrainian Women Zlata Ognevich

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