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For a long time luxury beauty, Betty Brosmer served as the ideal of beauty. Her body shapes admired either men or women. Interesting that nowadays Betty’s appearance is still relevant because she was the first female bodybuilder.

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The Biography

Betty Brosmer was born in American town Pasadena, California. Her year of birth was 1935.

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Betty started her modeling career at the age of 13. The beautiful girl's face was published on the cover of one popular magazine. Her photo interested much the authoritative advertising agency that had signed a contract with the teenager. This agreement brought much profit for both parties.
The advertising agency can be proud of such model. Betty took part in many advertising projects and soon became popular.

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It took the girl little time until her photo was published in many famous magazines. Brosmer was either beautiful or clever and enterprising. She was the first from the models community who decided to get the rights to her photos. This action brought her large income.

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Betty’s body measurements were considered ideal for a long time. Her hips, waist, and bust measurements are equal to 96-53-91 cm. These measurements are rather rare and signify about womanish shapes.

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After Brosmer’s marriage with bodybuilder founder Joe Weider, she started going for this kind of sport.
Betty promotes activities that improve the figure and support a healthy lifestyle. She is actively engaged in bodybuilding. Beautiful, muscular female figure appears in many magazines. Betty with her husband even wrote a book about the benefits of the practice.

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Some information exists that Brosmer drew the attention of her husband to a young Arnold Schwarzenegger. She also taught Arnie to be enterprising. They even were engaged in the sale of real estate for some time.

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Her Achievement in Bodybuilding

For a long time, Betty was the most famous woman among those who were going for bodybuilding. She had successfully promoted this kind of sport. Brosmer had a lot of fans, including male bodybuilders.

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The active lifestyle helped Betty to look young and attractive for a long time. She looked splendid, beautiful, and bright even in adulthood.

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Betty tried to convey all her knowledge to people. In the early ' 90s she wrote the book, which covers subjects related to either fitness, sports or diet.

Brosmer is in great shape even now. She is a member of the Olympic Fitness Committee and her exclusive figure is still causing admiration.

 Betty Brosmer Photos

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Бэтти Бросмер фото

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Бэтти Бросмер в нижнем белье фото

Бэтти Бросмер модель с обложки фото

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