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Halit Ergenс - unique and incredibly charismatic Turkish actor, who was born in Istanbul in the family of the actor Sait Ergenc April 30, 1970.

Turkish actor Halit Ergenc photo

Biography of Halit Ergenс is very interesting. Before he became so famous and popular, Halit studied hard, got a high school education and then decided to go to sea, as the sea was very fond. As a result, in Istanbul, Halit arrives at the Technical University, where he studied for a marine engineer. But he dropped out after a year of training for opera at Mimar Sinan University, and worked as an computer operator. A little later in Halit found good vocal. Fates brought him to the famous singer Aisha Pekkan, Leman Sam, with whom he works and as a singer and as a dancer.

Turkish actor Halit Ergenc photo Turkish actor Halit Ergenc photo Turkish actor Halit Ergenc photo

Acting roots, which he acquired from his father, begin to resemble currently and 25 years Halit Ergenc starting to try as an actor musicals, and a year later he gets and one of the main roles in the musical "The King and I". Later, he would go to New York and will play in the famous musical "The Adventures of Zak."

 турецкий актер Халит Эргенч

Working in theater plays, musicals, Halit showed himself as one of the most successful actors of movies and TV series. Spectator remembered him and loved. One well-known roles in the film, "My father and my son" in 2005 brought unprecedented success to the actor. Was highly appreciated by critics of the series "A Thousand and One Nights," where the actor played the boss Onur Aqsa, in love with his subordinate and offered money for a night of love, when she was in a desperate situation.

Turkish actor Halit Ergenc in the movie My father and my son Turkish actor Halit Ergenc in the movie My father and my son Turkish actor Halit Ergenc in the movie My father and my son

In the series "Bitter Love" Halit is professor of literature Orhan, who became entangled in the complex relationships with three women.

Halit Ergenc in the film Bitter Love

In the biographic film "Our lesson: Atatürk," Halit starred in the title role of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - the founder of the Turkish Republic.

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One of the last works of the actor - is the role of Sultan Suleiman in the series "The Magnificent Century", which is so loved by audiences around the world.

султан Сулейман Великолепный век


In 2011, also published fiction drama called "Guest", which starred as Halit Oktay, in love with a woman who will have to make a difficult choice. This is a love story with a complicated question, "Stay or go?". Not so long ago, in one of his interviews, Halit frankly admitted that he respects the work of many directors with whom he worked, but most of all he likes to work with young and talented directors like Rehi Erdem and Chagan Irmak.

Halit Ergenc photo Halit Ergenc photo Halit Ergenc photo

As for his personal life Halit Ergenc, he, as a true gentleman prefers private life and his novels is distributed does not like. Aware of his two official marriages in 2008 with a leading Soysaldı Gizem, with which divorced a half later, and married one of the most beautiful Turkish actresses - Bergüzar Korel. Couple together and today, they are quite happy and has a son Ali. It is noteworthy that after the series "A Thousand and One Nights," where he played together with Halit Bergüzar's boss and subordinate, they were married.

Halit Ergenc and Bergyuzar Korel

 FILMOGRAPHY Halit Ergenc:

Kara melek (1996)
Zerda (2002-2004)
Okul (2004)
Babam ve Oğlum  (2005)
1001 gece (2006)
Ilk ask (2006)
Devrim arabalari (2008)
Aci ask (2009)
Dersimiz: Atatürk  (2010)
The Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yüzyil(сериал) (2011)
Misafir (2011)

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