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Nadja Benaissa  photo
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Results of voting:"Most Beautiful Moroccan Woman"

Nadia Benaissa is a popular German singer, one of participants of women's group No Angels.

Nadia Benaissa German singer photo


  1. Nadia was born in the German city of Frankfurt am Main. The girl's father is the Moroccan, and her mother is the German of the Serbian origin.
  2. Nadja Benaissa graduated from school in the hometown. At the age of nine years she has asked parents to take her to music school for training of playing a flute and a piano. Soon she has also received a role in one of musical performances. Creativity has very much carried away the girl, and she has decided to practice music seriously.
    1. Nadja Benaissa from women's group No Angels photo
    2. Nadja Benaissa Moroccan origin photo
  3. In thirteen years Nadia has begun to write songs, rather successful. She was invited to sing in various groups. Finally, Benaissa could affirm as the further way after participation in children's musical competition of interregional nature.
  4. Participation in popular reality show which owed reveal talented singers and singers among young people became the following step of her musical career. After show from the brightest participants the No Angels group has also been created.

Nadja Benaissa No Angels photo

Creative career

  • The women's group No Angelsvery successfully moved to glory and recognition. At the beginning of 2001 girls have issued the first single which for the long period remained one of the hits, most popular in Germany. The song was also pleasant to residents of Austria, Switzerland. There was also the first album of collective soon
    • Nadja Benaissa beautiful Moroccan girl photo
  • In five years, in 2006, Nadia Benaissa could write down already solo album. Songs have been written in German. But the singer did not throw to work in group, together with other participants she has written down five more albums No Angels
  • Nadia Benaissa was forced to leave the first collective because of scandal which was connected with her private life. Nadia has left group in 2010.

Nadja Benaissa Moroccan woman photo

Private life

Nadia Benaissa for a long time was in the center of media exposure because of her private life. In 1999 she has given birth to the daughter. During pregnancy the singer several times made standard tests, and they have shown availability of HIV in an organism of the young woman. Nadja with this syndrome lived rest of the time, successfully acting with the group. But, as it has become clear later, in 2009, the singer had unprotected sexual relations with men, one of which has caught a dreadful disease. Benaissa shall warn the sexual partners about HIV, it is required by the law. The court has sentenced the singer to probation, and also to correctional labor. And after such scandal raised the question of Nadia's staying in No Angels group, because the history negatively affected image of other participants.

Nadja Benaissa photo

Nadja Benaissa Moroccan singer photo

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