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Maria Kozhevnikova is a charming Russian actress, the anchormen who was most remembered to the audience by her work in TV series "University".

Server time: July 27 2024 04:03:28

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Results of voting:"The best Russian actress"


  • Maria Kozhevnikova was born on November 14, 1984. The birthplace is the city of Moscow. The family of the future actress already was known at that time, Maria's father was the glorified hockey player, the Honoured Master of Sports. He became the champion of the Olympic Games twice.
  • Maria very much loved the father, was proud of him, tried to be as single-minded, persistent in achieving her goal. The example of the beloved father played a big role at the becoming Kozhevnikova the famous actress.
  • Parents were ready for the fact that Maria Kozhevnikova will also devote the life to sport. The girl really long time was engaged in artistic gymnastics. But features of a figure which are so pleasant to the male audience prevented her to reach heights of sports career.
  • Maria had very happy childhood; she had fine relations with parents. Since preschool years the girl liked to dance, read verses, she was very artistic. In school days Maria tried to study perfectly, to please parents with good marks.

Creative career

  • The beginning of creative life of Kozhevnikova was bright, turbulent. She arrived in the Russian Academy of theater, and also devoted much time to participation in the musical group " Love stories ". Unfortunately, the group existed not long, and after its closing Maria could already devote all the free time to studying in Academy.
  • Soon she began to receive invitations to shootings in movies. At first it were only bit parts. The audience for the first time saw Maria in TV series of "Heartbreaker", "Charisma", "Rublyovka Live".
  • Bit parts didn't bring to Kozhevnikova big glory, but they presented to the beginning actress vast experience of work on the shooting stage.
  • Popular and known Maria Kozhevnikova became only when began to come out the youth TV series "University". The story about life of students, often very comical, didn't leave indifferent many audiences, it grants them great mood. It is interesting that the actress sees a lot of similarities in the nature of the heroine and her own character.
  • One more successful work was a role in the movie “Battalion". It was the historical film about events of World War I. Maria could expand the role, get experience, new, invaluable for the actress.

The important place in Kozhevnikova's life is taken by political activities, she is a deputy.

Private life

The young and attractive actress has a rich life at which, in addition to shootings and social job, there is also a family. Maria Kozhevnikova's husband, Evgeny Vasilyev, is a businessman. The couple signed at the St. Nicholas Cathedral.

Maria tries not to show family photos to public, carefully preserves a family against journalists. In 2014 at the couple was born their first son, and in two years was born the second child.

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