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It's hard to imagine a man who does not like flowers. It is the easiest way to say "i love you so much" without words, to show your feelings and the variety of emotions. They make us feel happy and sometimes just lift spirits. Flowers are a perfect gift for any holiday and occasion.

It is quite difficult to distinguish the most beautiful flowers, because each person has his own tastes and preferences. Flowers are the prettiest things that were ever made, and each of them has its own inimitative beauty. So now we will narrow down the list to 10 flowers which are the most suitable for our top list.

 10. Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley, or May bells, is a symbol of a great number of legends and a first sign of spring. This sugary scented flower is native born to many districts of Europe and Asia. It can stand cool temperature in the Northern areas of its inhabitation. The flower has only one known species.

However the most beautiful flower is highly poisonous, mostly its red berries which are always very attractive to animals and children. The poison can cause blurred vision, reduced heart rate and abdominal pain. Despite this Lily of the valley often uses in wedding ceremonies.

Lily of the Valley pic

 9. Strelitzia (Bird Of Paradise)

This exotic and fanciful flower is native to the South areas of Africa. The name of the plant points to its appearance (on flowering it looks like a little bird in flight). This the most unusual and pretty flower symbolizes love and paradise itself. The plant has only 5 species and can be only in yellow color.

Strelitzia, also named «crane flower», blooms from May till August or September. It is not a house plant, the flower needs sunshine that’s why it’s better to keep it outside.

Strelitzia photo

8. Dahlia

There are about 50 different species of these flowers in the world. It has a great variety in color (the blossoms can be found almost in any color but blue one) and size. Dahlia is native to Mexico so in 1963 it was declared a national flower of the country. However nowadays dahlia is wildly cultivated.

The flowers usually blossom in summer, autumn and the beginning of winter, before the first frost. The most interesting fact is that dahlia, the most beautiful flower, can be an alternative to insulin. Before the medicine was discovered, the diabetics were given a so-called diabetic sugar made of dahlia tubers.

Dahlia beautiful flower photo

7. Orchid

It is known about 30000 species of this incredible flower. The main uniqueness of this plant is that each of its species is different. They can be short living or long living, have really large blossoms and small ones, look like figure of an animal or insect. For example, the bumble bee orchid looks much like the real bee, which helps in attracting the pollinators. The variety of orchid colors can boggle the imagination: white, yellow, shades of purple and pink.

The dried seeds of orchid use in food (Vanilla), traditional medicine and perfume manufacture.

Orchid beautiful flower picture

6. Plumeria

The smell of this plant can make you crazy, so you will want to smell it over and over. The scent is light, honeysweet and unforgettable. The only minus of this flower is a milky latex. It keeps poison which can irritate your skin or eyes.

Plumeria is pardonably called the most beautiful and sweetest flower in the world. It is native to America (Central, Caribbean) and Brazil, but can grow only in warm regions. There are dozen species of plumeria. Its flowers have medium size in red, white, pink and yellow colors.

Plumeria beautiful flower in the world photo

5. Dicentra (Bleeding Heart)

This most beautiful flower grows usually in cool climate and like full sun, but can’t bear warm and dry weather. It’s blossoms remind a heart-shape and can be found in pink-white or pink, light red, paper-white and yellow color. The pink ones look more attractive after all. Dicentra usually flowers in April, May or June.

The flower is native to China, Japan, Siberia and Korea. Sometimes it is called "lady-in-a-bath" or «lyre flower». It is advisable not to touch the plant, because the bleeding heart can cause irritation of skin.

Dicentra photo

4. Hydrangea

Is a genus of 70–75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia (China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas, and Indonesia) and the Americas. Hydrangea  is often called the queen of garden flowers. Hydrangeas are popular ornamental plants, grown for their large flowerheads, with Hydrangea macrophylla being by far the most widely grown with over 600 named cultivars, many selected to have only large sterile flowers in the flowerheads. In Japan, ama-cha,甘茶 meaning sweet tea, is another herbal tea made from Hydrangea serrata, whose leaves contain a substance that develops a sweet taste (phyllodulcin). In Korean tea, Hydrangea serrata (hangul:산수국 hanja:山水菊) is used for an herbal tea called sugukcha (수국차) or ilsulcha (이슬차). Asian florist Tan Jun Yong, where he was quoted saying, "The light delicate blush of the petals reminds me of a beating heart, while the size could only match the heart of the sender!"

Hydrangea beautiful photo

3. White Lotus

This flower is often called a waterlily of Egypt, sacred lotus, Indian beans or the tiger lotus. Their seeds can remain germinative for many years. Most of species were found in Asia and Africa, but lotus is ingrained only to Australia (state Queensland) and Asia. The white lotus is also a national flower of Vietnam and many-sided India.

The flowers grow to 50 cm in height and their blossoms rise above the water. The color is usually white but sometimes can be tinged with pink. In Ancient Greece the flowers was a symbol of innocence and decorum. It is also one of the main items of the Coptic flag. Uncommon thing is that in India white lotus (its seeds and blossoms) can be used as a food.

White Lotus picture

2. Tulip

The tulip is one of the most cultivated plant in the world. There are more than 70 species which are accepted. These flowers are indigenous in the mountains and can easily take in stride cool and dry weather in spring and summer. The first cultivation of the tulip began in the 10th century in Persia. The flowers was a main topic for its poets. Now it is distributed from Asia and Africa to Russia and Europe.

Tulips are rather symbolic plants that’s why they are often given to women on International Women's Day. Yellow tulips emblematizing cheer and the red ones mean "perfect love".

Beautiful flower Tulip photo

1. Rose

It is widely thought that rose is one of the most beautiful, romantic and wonderfully scented plants in the world. The giving of this flower has traditional and cultural meaning. It is an emblematic of fidelity and love. The yellow rose is for friendship and the red one is for true and empyrean love.A rose is a woody, often thorned perennial plant. There are over a hundred species and most of them are revealed in Europe, Asia, North areas of America and northwestern Africa. The flower has a tasty, heavenly scent. It usually uses to decorate gardens, to make a perfume and medicines.

Rose most beautiful flower photo

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