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Macedonian women are gorgeous ladies living in a small brave country. Macedonia used to be a part of Yugoslavia, and now is a modern rapidly developing country in the south-eastern Europe. This small country has no access to the sea and is closed among fabulous mountain ranges. This wonderful place has no less wonderful ladies who proudly live here and decorate this country.

The local girls have the typical South Slavic appearance. But historical mixing of blood has not passed them in vain. So let's examine how beautiful Macedonian women look like in most cases?

  1. In addition to the fair-haired and blond-haired beauties you can often meet here the burning brunette.
  2. These ladies have noble face features with pronounced sexy traits.
  3. They have big charming eyes and full lips.
  4. Beautiful Macedonian Women here can be proud of magnificent body shapes, which make every second girl a real super model.
  5. And their long slim legs are maddening all the local men.

How do lovely Macedonian women differ from the other nations?

  1. The main advantage of the Macedonian girls is their slender body, which they devote a lot of time and spare no means to maintain it in a perfect shape.
  2. They also love beautiful makeup and comfortable clothes. Ladies in Macedonia rarely wear dresses. Most often they can be met in pants and, of course, in irreplaceable jeans.
  3. Macedonian women are always very cheerful and sociable. Their favorite daily activity is a party with a friend, drinking a cup of coffee with a neighbor and gossiping. They rarely go to cafes or restaurants, but prefer the home gatherings and having fun with close people.
  4. Beautiful Macedonian women do not try to outdo their men in education and occupy high positions, so many of them prefer to be just a housewife. Usually all the female responsibilities include caring for children and the housekeeping. In their spare time women in this country can do needlework, such as to knit a lace napkin with a hook. They are extremely talented nation and can do a lot of things with their own hands.
  5. The demographic situation in the country shows that there are about 60% of men and just 40% of Macedonian women. This fact makes local girls to get married early.
  6. The local girls as no surprise, love to watch football and happy to keep the male company in this funny process. Macedonians are very patriotic citizens. Each house has a flag, souvenirs or clothes with national symbols, they adore their cuisine, music, football team, and believe that everything Macedonian is the best. Macedonian Women are also very patriotic and follow all the traditions.
  7. Macedonian women are very proud that they have equal rights with Macedonian men. But this is true only for a small amount of capital and urban families. In fact, everything is much more patriarchal. Women are much less likely to receive the higher education, rarely occupy high positions.
  8. Many Macedonian women are employed only in big cities. The capital female residents are educated, earn more and more often live abroad. Residents of the province almost despise the capital female residents, just because of this great difference between them.

And now Top-8 Beautiful Macedonian women and girls:

  • 8. Kaliopi Bukle (28 December 1966) - famous Macedonian artist, vocal interpreter, composer and songwriter.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women Kaliopi Bukle artist

  • 7. Karolina Goceva (28 April 1980) - Macedonian singer.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women Каролина Гочева Karolina Goceva beautiful Macedonian singer

  • 6. Ivanna Hacievska (1987) - Macedonian popular TV presenter and model.

     Beautiful Macedonian Women Ivanna Hacievska

  • 5. Elena Risteska (27 April 1986) - Macedonian singer and songwriter of popular music.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women ЕElena Risteska Macedonian singer 

  • 4. Biljana Georgievska (1988) – Macedonian model.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women Biljana Georgievska model from Macedonia

  • 3. Dragana Chuprina (17 February 1990) - Macedonian TV presenter and model.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women Dragana Chuprina TV hoster

  •  2. Suzana Al-Salkini (1984) - Miss Macedonia 2008.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women miss Macedonia 2008

  • 1. Katerina Ivanovska (18 August 1988) - Macedonian model and actress. 1st place among beautiful Macedonian women in our rating.

    Beautiful Macedonian Women Katerina Ivanovska

    Beautiful Macedonian Women Katerina Ivanovska Macedonian model

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