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Are you passionate about cats? Whatever your answer might be, either positive or negative, if you get an idea about how many variants these small cats come in and how adorable they are, then it is sure that you will be tempted to revert your choice and even you can own one. Amongst the several varieties of the smallest cat breed in the world, here’s a list of most preferred choices

  • The Genetta is one of the smallest cat breed which has been specially produced among breeds to create a particular category of cat which is exotic in nature. Basically this is a dwarf cat which has been specially developed to form the African quality of the breed.
  • The Miniature is another variety of the smallest cat breed which is highly popular among the cat watchers. As compared to the other cat families, these cats are relatively small and are thus, called the miniature cats.
  • Teacup cats are also among one of the smallest cat breeds of the world. The average size of these types of cat breeds is about 9 inches high. Since they are so small in size, these cats are thus named. Moreover, due to their appearance these cats are quite adored among the cat enthusiasts and their features are also quite impressive.
  • The Lambkin is another cross-breed cat. It has a curly coat which is highly fascinating. Developed by the interbreeding between a Selkirk Rex and a Munchkin, this cat is definitely one of the best.
  • The Minskin is another small variety of cat which is quite trustworthy to its owners and is also quite intelligent. Appearance wise, it has little hair on its body.
  • Among all, the Skookum is a cross breed between the Munchkin and the LaPerm. The most striking feature is that it has short legs which are quite amazing to look at.
  • The Singapura is basically a natural breed from Singapore. Amongst the smallest cat breed, these cats are quite sober and are in fact quite lovable.   The Singapura is treated as the smallest amongst all cat breeds and is really quite lovable. These cats always enjoy the company of humans and definitely they are highly popular than their other counterparts. Built wise these small cats are quite heavy and some are even muscular.

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