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Jamaican women are those very exotic females that so allure white men. They are often referred to as black diamonds that need good care of to sparkle and shine just the way they are meant to. Having rich cultural inheritance these women are excellent representatives of its presenting. They have not a less wealthy inner world expressed via tenderness and care, intelligence and belief, as well as great devotion and sympathy toward all humans. However, what makes them so amazing is their peculiar sexuality! The darkness of their smooth skin along with captivating feminine curves of their bodies is enough for men to freak out!

Nevertheless, according to the social investigations, it is white men who are mostly captivated by Jamaican women. Yet one cannot but think particularly what serves as a motto that drives men choose women with Jamaican origin. And so here are the main features as physical so mental that are worth mentioning:

  1. Perhaps the first thing that cannot but catch eye is the chocolate color skin complexion of Jamaican women. White men adore the dark smooth skin of their black girlfriends considering it so sexy and appealing! You will hardly see any varicose veins on black women let alone the redness showing. This serves a huge turn on for men, which in its turn flatters all women with dark skin!
  2. According to white men, females from Jamaica are very appreciative toward the gifts they get from men. And if white women are too independent and tend to own a sense of entitlement, these women love to be flattered with precious gifts and utmost attention from men's side. This in its turn makes men feel more self confident and needed. So, Jamaican ladies, go ahead and keep on loving the gifts got by men!
  3. Sex appeal is perhaps what drives men first of all. These ladies feature curvaceous body structures with pretty nice booties. With their full round back sides along with such like hips and breasts and all this spiced with small waists, these ladies look magnificently "appetizing" in men's eyes! Jamaican women are really blessed with gorgeous bodies!
  4. Another thing that men appreciate in women with Jamaican origin is that these females know well how to keep their houses and look after their men. They are taut and love to keep their houses in clean and tidy state. What concerns their cooking skills, we can simply state that a Jamaican girl is always raised to know how to fill bellies of her family members. And fill with exclusively tasty dishes!
  5. And at last there is a great feature within Jamaican women that makes white men not only admire and love, but also respect them. This is their honest and communicative character trait. These women are considered more forthcoming about both their feelings and thoughts. This makes men feel easy in their presence and rely on them fully.

So, summing up the whole information we got about women from Jamaica, let us once more enumerate the main characteristic features that make these women so loved, admired and appreciated:

  1. Enchanting dark skin complexion
  2. Appreciative nature
  3. Sex appeal
  4. Tidiness
  5. Easy-going nature

Top-10 most beautiful Jamaican women included actresses, models and winners of beauty contests, with Jamaican roots.

10. Kerry Washington ( 31 January 1977) - American actress.

Kerry Washington American actress photo

9. Lisa Hanna (27 August 1975) - Jamaican politician and Miss World 1993

Lisa Hanna Jamaican politician and Miss World 1993 photo

8. Camille McDonald ( 26 November 1977) - American model and designer of Jamaican origin.

Camille McDonald model of Jamaican origin photo

7. Shari Belafonte (22 September 1954) - American actress, model, writer and singer. It has Jamaican roots on the paternal side.

Shari Belafonte American actress photo

6. Sara Lawrence (1985) - Irepresentative of Jamaica beauty contest "Miss World 2006".

Sara Lawrence Miss World Caribbean photo

5. Carla Campbell (22 November 1980) -  Jamaican model.

Carla Campbell Jamaican model photo

4. Roshelle McKinley (1994) - "Miss Global Jamaica 2013".

Roshelle McKinley Miss Global Jamaica 2013 photo

3. Sanya Hughes (3 October 1982)  - model and actress, a participant of the contest "Miss Universe 2002".

Sanya Hughes most beautiful Jamaican woman photo

2. Janelle "Nell" Robinson (29 August 1985) - Jamaican model.

Nell Robinson beautiful Jamaican model photo

1. Naomi Campbell (22 May 1970) - British supermodel, actress and singer of Afro-Jamaican descent.

Naomi Campbell British supermodel of Afro-Jamaican descent photo

Naomi Campbell Jamaican supermodel photo

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