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Indonesian women have a high social status. Social antagonism floors, misogyny or others that are familiar to the most of Asian countries, are rare here. Women enjoy huge prestige in some strata of the population. Using legal equality, they can inherit property.

The local population are muslims. Men are allowed to have few wives, but if each wife will be given her own house and specific content. But still the polygamy is not too often in Indonesia. This fact has become even less after the new law on marriage in 1974, where a man is able to get a second wife only with the agreement from the first one. However, due to economic and other reasons, the first wife agrees often against her will. But indonesian women do not score and entirely subordinate to the will of men. Unlike the most countries with muslim people officially indonesian girls enjoy equal rights with men. Woman is often the head of household.

Indonesian women have achieved considerable success in small business, but rarely get high positions in business and government machinery. Even with a fact that women here are muslim, they do not adhere to the reclusive lifestyle, do not cover faces, but only cover the head with a handkerchief.

Indonesians in their mass are very cute and cheerful, artistic and gifted by nature. All the girls have nice soft facial features, gorgeous black hair, dazzling teeth, slender figure. They have a beautiful color of skin from sunburn. Women from aristocratic families specifically bleach the skin and hide from the sun, walk under umbrellas. Every woman with white skin is considered beautiful.

Women have very young look and preserve the harmony of shapes to old age, because of the small consumption of animal fats. They almost do not eat bread. There is an interesting fact that many girls, even after birth of dozens of children, are slim. To have a slender figure, the elastic body and elastic skin, most Indonesian women all their lives drink infusions of special herbs. Slim figure promotes the custom of wearing a cargo on the head, as in many other countries in Asia and Africa. Indonesians are very fond of gold and jewelry. No matter how poor the family is, each newborn girl is inserted into the ears of miniature gold earrings.Indonesian women are extraordinarily beautiful and attractive. The colorful clothes wrapping around their figure make them graceful.

Indonesia - one of the largest of the archipelagos, one of the most densely populated countries, where the people speak more than 580 languages and dialects, one of the largest Muslim countries and frequently visited by tourists. About Indonesia we can speak and write a lot, why are only some of the islands: Bali, Java, Sumatra... Indonesia is as diverse as the beauty of Indonesian women. I gathered famous actresses, singers, models and winners of beauty contests, which have Indonesian roots in my rating of the most beautiful Indonesian women.

19. Sherina Munaf (June 11, 1990) - Indonesian actress and pop singer.

Indonesian women photos, Sherina Munaf photo, Indonesian actress

18. Maria Selena (September 25, 1990) - miss Puteri Indonesia 2011.

Maria Selena photo, winner miss Indonesia 2011, Indonesian women photos

17. Kamidia Radisti (February 23, 1984) - Miss Indonesia 2007.

Kamidia Radisti photo, Miss Indonesia 2007 winner, beautiful Indonesian women photos

16. Gita Gutawa (born in Jakarta, 11 August 1993) - Indonesian soprano, actress, and songwriter. She is also the daughter of composer Erwin Gutawa.

Gita Gutawa photo, beautiful Indonesian women photos

15. Asyifa Latief (20 September 1988, Bandung) - Miss Indonesia 2010.

Asyifa Latief photo, Miss Indonesia 2010 winner, Indonesian women photos

14. Sandra Dewi (8 August 1983) -  Indonesian model and actress.

Sandra Dewi photo, Indonesian model and actress, Indonesian women photos

13. Agnes Monica (1 July 1986) - Indonesian singer and actress.

Agnes Monica Muljoto photo, Indonesian singer and actress, Indonesian women photos

12.  Nadine Ames (May 23, 1991) - Miss Puteri Indonesia 2010.
Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames photo, miss Indonesia 2010 winner, Indonesian women photos

11. Krisdayanti (24 March 1975), often known by her moniker KD - Indonesian actress and singer.

Krisdayanti photo, Indonesian singer and actress, Indonesian women photos

10. Astrid Ellena Indriana Yunadi (June 8, 1990, Surabaya, Indonesia) or presently known as Astrid Ellena - Miss Indonesia 2011.

Astrid Ellena Indriana Yunadi photo, Miss Indonesia 2011 winner, Indonesian women photos

9. Atiqah Hasiholan (3 January 1982) - Indonesian actress.

Atiqah Hasiholan photo, famous Indonesian actress, Indonesian women photos

8. Agni Pratistha Arkadewi Kuswardono (8 December 1988) - actress and winner miss Puteri Indonesia 2006.

Agni Pratistha Arkadewi Kuswardono photo, winner of Puteri Indonesia (Miss Indonesia Universe) 2006, beautiful Indonesian women photos

7. Diandra Paramita Sastro (16 March 1982) - Indonesian model and actress.

Dian Sastrowardoyo photo, Indonesian model and actress, beautiful Indonesian women photos

6. Qory Sandioriva (Jakarta, August 17, 1991) - miss Puteri Indonesia 2009.

Qory Sandioriva photo, miss Puteri Indonesia 2009 winner, beautiful Indonesian women photos

5. Febiolla Ramlan (15 February 1980) - Indonesian model.

beautiful Indonesian women photos, Olla Ramlan photo, beautiful Indonesian model

4. Ayu Pratiwi (Jakarta, May 23, 1987) - actress and model in Indonesia. She is also the Miss Indonesia Tourism 2009.
beautiful Indonesian women photos, Miss Indonesia Tourism 2009, Ayu Pratiwi - actress and model from Indonesia

3. Luna Maya Sugeng (Denpasar, Bali, August 26, 1983) - Indonesian soap opera actress
Luna Maya Sugeng phto, Indonesian soap opera actress, beautiful Indonesian women photos

2. Ines Putri Tjiptadi Chandra (September 5, 1989) - Miss Indonesia 2012.

Miss Indonesia 2012 winner, most beautiful Indonesian women, Ines Putri Tjiptadi Chandra photo

1. Whulandary Herman (June 26, 1987) - Miss  Indonesia 2013.

miss Puteri Indonesia 2013 winner, Whulandary Herman photo, beautiful women from Indonesia

 beautiful Indonesian women photos, Whulandary Herman photo, contestant miss Universe 2013

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