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Reborn baby dolls are dolls for kids that look exactly like real life babies. Not only kids but also the grownups admire and love these types of dolls. They have all the features exactly like the real babies that sometimes you may even have an illusion. The main idea behind making reborn baby dolls is to create a realistic doll as much as possible.

In this process the first step is to mould a doll. Then you need to start coloring the head, body and other limbs of the doll using different techniques so that a realistic baby skin effect is achieved. To do so and create a mottled effect of a new born baby, many layers of different paints are needed. Along with these effects of veins, other realistic effects are added to get the real life quality effect. While making these dolls the weight of the dolls is also kept in mind. The arms, legs, body and head are weighed so as to give the stuffed cuddly feeling that is similar to a real life baby. After that the hairs and eye lashes are given concern. For a realistic hair looks high quality colored mohair is preferred to root the head and eyelashes. A special needle is used for this rooting process that locks each strand of hair into the vinyl doll body. It takes lots of days and patience to plug in these strands of hairs one by one. Along with the special coloring of the hands and legs, the nails are also given special effects to get the realistic looks. The tiny nails are manicured and varnished to give nice and real glossy effects.

Reborn baby dolls photos

These dolls are available with both open and closed eyes. The nostrils are kept open so that it gives a real lifelike effect of breathing of the baby doll. Other ideas like heart beat and magnetic dummy are also added as per the customer requirements. Lastly as a finishing touch the reborn baby dolls are dressed in quality baby clothes and packed nicely.

Most of the buyers of reborn baby dolls are women and these are mostly available on online shopping sites and also in the star marked shopping malls.

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