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Many white men won’t ever confess that they envy them — the most handsome men with black skin and bodies of the ancient gods. They might tell you, that these guys were gifted with their complexion only to survive in “jungles” and in Africa and fight with wild beasts. They might assure you that these men are born to work only physically. All of these “attitudes” are false. Yes, simply the guys envy them. They might even feel scared that their beloved ladies would fell in love with these ebony “macho men” and leave them alone, just whining about their desperate fame. The world knows really many of these awesome looking men with dark skin. But who are they — the most famous and desirable models of nowadays and of the past?

Tyson Beckford — the most handsome and masculine

This Afro-American guy has become probably the most recognizable black male model of nowadays. Even now, when Tyson is over 45, Hollywood asks him to play in popular movies, and European, Asian, Australian and American brands almost fight dreaming to see this handsome man in their studio. They offer Mr. Beckford advertising almost everything — starting from watches and ending with luxury automobiles. However, Tyson is popular for advertising underwear for “real men”.

David Agbodji — handsome black guys from Togo

Although David Agbodji comes originally from Togo, he works in France (and some counties of Europe) and in the USA. This black male model understands how much he can earn outside his native continent and seems not to show any desire of returning there. David demonstrates collections of Nautica, takes part in many shows devoted to top models and never stops working at its perfect body, proving everybody that black persons also can have healthy way of life, staying away from drugs and drinking. The guy is known also for his thin waits (about 73 cm).

Richard Roundtree — former American model and actor

Before Richard started his career as an American actor, he was working advertising some stuff for hair care in Ebony и Jet and similar popular editions. Naturally, everybody believed that Mr. Roundtree uses something very special to let his hair grow so fast. The owner of luxurious hair, he could also persuade people to by various shampoo and lotions.

Fernando Cabral — slim and tall Portuguese guy

When Fernando Cabral smiles, it seems all women are charmed by him, the guy belonging to those black male models, who live and work in Europe, but who are also world- known people. Sometimes Fernando and his younger brother Armando are invited to work together. When they appear on the stage, no one can hide a look, filled with astonishment. The guy advertises Balmain and Givenchy clothes successfully.

Alvin Clayton — you can be a model even after…50

Although Alvin Clayton is enough old to work in modeling business, he proved, that the age is not a barrier, when you wish doing anything. He has even become the owner of his own model agency. Alvin opened his restaurant and even tries his hand in paining! When a person has any talent, look for another gift, given to him by nature!

Urs Althaus — black model from Switzerland

Probably once Urs Althaus felt tired of millions of his admirers and decided to tell the whole world that he is a…gay! Yes, the guy that was born in Switzerland, and who became a successful model and a film star, simply said that he would prefer mixing with the same hot male models, not with women, even when they are charming and gorgeous!

Vladimir McCrary — fantastically handsome

Naturally, this compliment is “too much enough” for a male, even when he belongs to hot male models. Here we wish resembling you that this guy also starred in the Fifth Element (1997) and showed there his perfect body. Besides this role, McCrary is known for Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles.

Sterling St. Jacques — AIDS killed him

Sterling St. Jacques passed away in 1984. Being there among the most famous young black male models of 1980s, the guy hid from his admirers that he was a gay. That time almost nobody knew about AIDS, and a rare person, who was infected could alive.

Renauld White — the first black model

Speaking about black male models, we must not forget about Renauld White. He was the first Afro-American guy that appeared on the cover of a popular magazine. Renauld advertized almost everything — starting from perfume for men and ending with fur coats and automobiles.

Jason Olive — from models to movie stars

Although he started his work as one of black male models, Jason sincerely decided that he’s a very good actor. His intuition gave him the best prompt — retired from his modeling business in 1999 (the guy was 27 that time), he started acting, and still does it successfully.

As you see, guys that were born black (the country of their origin never matters) can become even more successful and popular, than those ones, whose parents are white people. These fellows are real workaholics!

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