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Italian models do never require any presentation of beauty, uniqueness and sex appeal as Italian women never need any convincing of their hotness! These ladies were initially born to make world's men lose their minds and become insane with desire and temptation to touch, to be close or at least to have the right to admire them. Italian females have been the most sought-after women on the Earth since ancient times. Even in ancient Rome men admired the uniquely elegant and at the same time violent beauty these women possessed.

However, whether you are a man or a woman you cannot pass by an Italian, actress, model, singer or even housewife indifferently. And even though the first thing that catches eye within these women is the intense sex appeal they own, they are also charming personalities with strong characters and impulsive tempers, whilst the palpable intelligence makes them even more desired. Irrespective of the fact that an Italian female may be as slender as a model or own voluptuous curves, she is sure to make a man go mad with the only fact she is Italian!

Anyway, what concerns Italian models, perhaps you won't be surprised hearing that they are among the hottest women ever walking the runways. All women, whether they are models themselves or simply fanatics of fashion industry, look to these alluring females and acquire them as role models. And if French models are known for their elegant petite features or German models popular for their impressive tallness, the visit card of Italian models is the fire burning in their eyes! When watching an Italian model walking down the walkway you do not have the feeling that she is isolated from the podium and barely thinks anything. On the contrary, you clearly observe the whole passion burning there in her eyes and transferred with every movement she makes. Particularly the greatest feature of appearing alive and clever even on the podium makes worldwide designers choose models with Italian origin. To prove this statement, we bring forward the list of renowned as Italian so other fashion houses working with Italian female models: Giorgio Armani, Chanel, Givenchy, Jean Paul Gaultier S.A., Valentino...

Nevertheless, there are also many other worldwide famous fashion houses and magazines that can't stay indifferent towards the magnetizing beauty of Italian models.

Anyway, what makes these females so widely demanded in the fashion industry is not only their magic beauty and sex appeal. There are other factors, too that make them so much loved and desired in any field including fashion industry.

  1. These ladies are smart. Sometimes one gets so surprised that a model can be as smart as these women are! They not only pay great attention to their appearance but also never forget to enrich their inner world with new knowledge.
  2. They are really funny. The keen sense of humor and their susceptibility makes them such interesting co-workers! The only fact that precious clothes will be demonstrated by women with disarming and witty sense of humor makes designers choose particularly Italian models.
  3. They are highly passionate and this passion is obvious in everything they undertake. Whatever they touch upon they put soul in it and do their best to achieve astonishing results!

Modelling business in Italy is one of the most popular. The largest and best-known model agencies are in Rome and Milan. Millions of Italians women want to become models, but the best are only a few. Italian models are quite popular and in demand around the world, constantly adorn the catwalks and covers of the most prestigious journals. I present a selection of their ranking top 15 most beautiful Italian models.

  • 15. Eva Riccobono (7 February) - Italian model.

    Eva Riccobono italian models photo

  • 14. Alice Taticchi (25 June 1990) - Italian fashion model.

    Alice Taticchi most beatiful italians pictures

  • 13. Maria Perrusi (15 September 1991) - Italian model, winner of beauty contest "Miss Italy 2009".

    Maria Perrusi most beautiful models in Italy

  • 12. Madalina Diana Ghenea (8 August 1988) – Italian fashion model of Romanian origin.

    Madalina Diana Ghenea most beautiful italian models photos

  • 11. Margareth Made (22 June 1982) - Italian model and actress.

    Margareth Made most beautiful italian women rating

  • 10. Emily DiDonato (21 February 1991) - Amirican model.

    Emily Didonto, photo , famous italian model

  • 9. Elisabetta Gregoraci (8 February 1980) - Italian model and TV personality.

    Elisabetta Gregoraci italian fasion model

  • 8. Giorgia Palmas (5 March 1982) - Italian model and TV personality.

    Giorgia Palmas best italians models with photo

  • 7. Manuela Arcuri (8 January 1977) - Italian actress, model and television presenter.

    Мануэла Аркури / Manuela Arcuri popular italian models

  • 6. Melissa Satta (7 February 1986) - Italian-American model, TV presenter and actress.

    Melissa Satta most beautiful Italians women

  •  5. Cristina Buccino (16 June 1985) – Italian model and TV presenter.

    Кристина Буччино / Cristina Buccino самые красивые итальянские модели фото 

  •  4. Elisa Sednaoui (14 December 1987) - Italian model, actress with Italian, Egyptian and French roots.

    Elisa Sednaoui Italian model, TV hoster

  • 3. Monica Bellucci (30 September 1964) - Italian actress and model.

    Monica Bellucci famous beautiful italian model and actress

  • 2. Vanessa Hessler (21 January 1988) - Italian actress and model.

    Vanessa Hessler most beautiful models of Italy photos

  • 1. Bianca Balti (19 January 1984) - Italian model.

    Bianca Balti photomodels of Italy beauty ranking

    Bianca Balti supermodels of Italy beauty ranking

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