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Expensive dog breeds despite their exclusivity also become good friends and bring a lot of joy to their owners. The main factors due to which their price can be fabulous is the rarity, purity, exterior features, the number of titles and awards.

There is the top list of expensive dog breeds for which breeders can easily part with a lot of money:

  • 10. Bichon FriseBichon Frise Expensive Dog Breeds

    This is a small but brave and beautiful dog, which is known since the 13th century. This is a companion dog, very friendly and loyal, but still an excellent hunter and rat-catcher. An interesting fact is that Bichon Frise does not shed, so does not cause allergies. The price of this breed ranges from 700$ and more, there are also instances, costing more than 2,000$.

  • 9. KomondorKomondor Expensive Dog Breeds

    It is a large watchdog breed, which appeared more than 10 centuries ago. Komondor's character is serious, it is quite docile, but brave and resolute, gets along well with other animals, pegged to children. These expensive dog breeds cost from 1,200 to 2,500 dollars.

  • 8. Norfolk TerrierNorfolk Terrier Expensive Dog Breeds

    This funny puppy actually is hardy and fearless dog, ready to get to grips with an enemy, even surpassing with its size. Initially Norfolk Terrier was considered a hunting dog: with its help there were organized the persecution of hares, sheet, foxes, weasels. Also these pets guarded the territory. Their price is corresponding from 1800 to 3000 dollars.

  • 7. Akita-inuAkita-inu Expensive Dog Breeds

    Everyone who watched the movie "Hachiko" would not doubt the loyalty and devotion of the representatives of this breed. Akita-inu or large Japanese has the reputation of perfect hunters, was used for baiting of wild boars, bears, dog fights. And still Akita-inu is a very good pet, reliable caretaker of the property. The cost of a puppy is from 1200 to 3600 dollars.

  • 6. ChongqingChongqing Expensive Dog Breeds

    These are Chinese expensive dog breeds, which are considered very rare even in the homeland. It is an ancient breed, existed before our era. It is friendly to people. The cost of the Chinese puppy dog starts from 3,500$.

  • 5. AffenpinscherAffenpinscher Expensive Dog Breeds

    Despite the fact that a dog seems to be decorative, and even comical, Affenpinscher differs with the agility, curiosity and courage. Affenpinscher puppy costs from 1,500 to 4,000 dollars.

  • 4. Pharaoh HoundPharaoh Hound Expensive Dog Breeds

    It is among the most ancient expensive dog breeds, which are not crossed with others. Interestingly, if this dog is embarrassed, it has blushing ears, nose and eyes, and in a fit of joy it even smiles. Pharaoh Hound is active, playful and funny. As a rare breed, puppies are quite expensive: from 2 to 4 thousand dollars.

  • 3. Japanese miniature poodleJapanese miniature poodle Expensive Dog Breeds

    Really this miniature dog is weighing up to a maximum of 1.5 kg. Cute and funny pets who need special care. There is an opinion that this pet originated from small specimens of conventional poodles, since this standard is carefully maintained. The cost of a puppy starts from 5000$.

  • 2. Bichon LionBichon Lion Expensive Dog Breeds

    It is believed that this breed originated in southern Europe. It is an endemic and rare dog listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most not numerous. They are relatives of Bichon and have got their name because of their fur, which resembles a lion's mane. The cost of a puppy is 4000-8000 dollars.

  • 1. Tibetan MastiffTibetan Mastiff Expensive Dog Breeds

    They are not just one of the biggest dogs in the whole world, but also the most expensive dog breeds. Their homeland, as the name implies, is Tibet. The cost of a puppy varies from 4,000 to 15,000 dollars, and this is not the limit. The most expensive instance of this breed costs 1.5 million dollars!

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