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Beautiful cat breeds clearly demonstrate fantastic opportunities of the nature, its delicate, perfect taste. And also a variety of beautiful breeds of lovely cats confirms talent of scientists, veterinarians, selectors: all who are involved in developing new species of animals, keepers of the home warmth and comfort.

What is the secret charm of beautiful cats?

The cat warms the house of the person by the meow, by pretty look already a lot of centuries. Gradually her ancient wild relatives got used to the neighborhood of the person, appreciated the advantages of living in a warm room, cook dinner, care and attention. It changed over the centuries not only the nature of the relationship between man and his domestic animals, but also the appearance of cats. Some breeds were created by the nature, but the majority of them is a long-term and laborious work of scientists. A person can become a real magician, it shows the rating, which represents the most beautiful and original cat breeds are represented at photos. Animals touches by their appearance, which blends the beauty of fluffy creatures and independent, unpredictable nature. Many beautiful breed of cats is also surprising by the huge size of their representatives who become worthy members of the special events for the biggest cats. There are also such types of kitties which differ in short tails or an unusual form of ears, multicolored eyes and even lack of wool.

It is impossible to remain indifferent, considering cat breeds with a photo how lovely creatures are unique in the appearance. And as far as they are confident in its appeal, irresistible. Each cat, even usual, domestic, expresses the look independence, indifference to the world around. The more visible a certain arrogance in the form of beautiful and expensive cat breeds. They are proud of the silk hair, a unique color, a section and color of eyes. There are beautiful breeds of cats, which are very cute, sweet, charming. Especially admired kittens. They are direct, touching. Perhaps, in shape of kittens characteristic features of breed aren't so visible, but these fluffy lumps will leave nobody indifferent.

Characteristics that distinguish the beautiful breeds of cats very much. It is density of wool and its length, a color, a form and size of ears, length tails and height of pads. Experts very carefully check all necessary parameters at special exhibitions of cats, defining the winner of breed. But for most of the people beautiful cat breeds are a huge aesthetic pleasure, these are pleasant emotions. A species of lovely cats and kittens is wonderful medicine for bad mood and even from callousness, the indifferent relation to the nature.

I decided to gather the most beautiful cat breeds and I preset to your atention beauty rating of these independent and noble animals. If you like the dogs, see the Top of the most beautiful dog breeds!

21. Manchkin

Manchkin beautiful cat breeds photos

20. Turkish Angora (Angora cat)

Turkish Angora (Angora cat) beautiful cat breeds photos

19. Persian cat

Persian cat beautiful cat breeds photos

18. American Curl

American Curl beautiful cat breeds photos

 17. Siamese Cat

Siamese Cat beautiful cat breeds photos


16. Singapore cat

Singapore cat beautiful cat breeds photos

15. Selkirk Rex

Selkirk Rex beautiful cat breeds photos

14. Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blue Cat beautiful cat breeds photos

13. Bengal cat

Bengal cat beautiful cat breeds photos

12. Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat beautiful cat breeds photos

11. Cymric

Cymric beautiful cat breeds photos

10. American Shorthair cat

American Shorthair cat beautiful cat breeds photos

 9. Toyger

Toyger beautiful cat breeds photos

8. Maine Coon

see also: Maine Coon - the largest breed of cats (video and 50 photos)

Maine Coon beautiful cat breeds photos

7. Snowshoe

Snowshoe beautiful cat breeds photos

6. Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold beautiful cat breeds photos

5. Exotic Shorthair

Exotic Shorthair beautiful cat breeds photos

 4. Burmilla

Burmilla beautiful cat breeds photos

3. Ragdoll

Ragdoll beautiful cat breeds photos

2. British Shorthair

ritish Shorthair photos of most beautiful cats

1. Siberian cat

Siberian cat the most beautiful cat in the world

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