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While most of us consider dogs and cats our pets (OK, some individuals do love birds and fishes, even turtles and snakes), the other ones make usual rabbits their family members. Honestly, these rabbits good pets differ a lot from their “siblings” running in the forests and adoring the freedom of nature. They are decorative. These creatures are almost always tidy, and very rare, some rabbit breeds are extremely large. Let us look why we admire these fluffy rodents and cannot even admit an idea someday this funny animal can become somebody’s meals.

Dutch rabbit (Hollander) 

Hollander belongs to the middle-sized rabbit breeds. This cute creature has got its name thanks to the place where it is breaded — Holland. Both kids and adults enjoy the animal’s color. Its back along with the paws has the same color as the ears and muzzle. These funny bunnies are mostly white and grey or white and black. However, in total slightly more than 20 kinds of colors are recognized (shades of brown, sand, gray, black, blue). Meanwhile, their fur color depends on their eyes. Rabbits with black eyes, for instance, have body parts painted in black. They have sweet behavior, being affectionate, sympathetic towards small children and easily communicating with them. The creatures weigh about 2-2.2 kg.

Color dwarf

This cute creature belongs to the tiniest types of rabbits. Its average weight is approximately a kilogram, and bunny’s years are not longer than 5,5 cm. No one yet has counted the quantity of the colors of the rabbits’ fur. They say, you can find over 60 shades of it. Those that are white-show with black “glasses” around their eyes are the most popular ones, costing more than the other types of these animals. The rabbits’ fur is very short and resembles velvet. Sometimes these tiny guys can show their aggression, but is happens so rare that families with kids consider these rabbits good pets.

Holland lop

This funny guy also comes from Holland — its “brand sign” are long hanging down short ears. Sometimes these bunnies’ behavior seems to us hilarious, and we love them for activity and some cute fuss they always make.

Dwarf rabbit ram

This peculiar buy belongs to cute rabbits that have hanging ears. It is a pretty bunny with an average weight over 3 kg. As soon the rabbit’s size is not great, it seems the animal has strong muscles and powerful paws. The creature is compared with a ram due to its wide forehead, big eyes, soft long fur with undercoat. They never show aggression or fear and become good companions even when several people care about them.

The Netherland (fox) dwarf rabbit

These rabbits really resemble tiny red foxes. They have long fur only on their head, while thick hair (up to 0,7 cm length) cover the rest of their body. It is extremely difficult to see whether the “kid” has a neck or not. Due to the small size of the bunny’s body its years seem very long, although they are not longer than 7 cm. Think well before buying this guy and making the rabbit a pet. Some of these creatures are very noisy, nimble and fussy. The owner of a “fox” rabbit should care maybe too much about his/hers pet.

Lionhead Rabbit

This bunny has got its name for its “mane” framing the animal’s head. This rabbit has a long body, but short ears. The length of the hair does not exceed 7 cm. Some species have black rims around the eyes. There are no special criteria in the coloring; it can be the most diverse and unusual. The main “signs” that will let you recognizing the breed (besides this mane) are small size, small weight, a noticeable difference in the length of the hairline between the whole body and head.

Dwarf Angora rabbit

This cute guy can easily be confused with a regular lump of fur. The bunny has so long and fluffy hair that you should try enough to find eyes and nose of the creature. Its soft coat resembles some cotton wool. The body of Angora rabbits has a cylindrical shape and its 5 cm ears are short and “hairy”. Getting one of these guys as a pet, be ready to care about the bunny’s “hairdo”. Some Angora rabbits become often visitors of hair salons for animals.

Angora Lionhead rabbit

In comparison with the other rabbit breeds this guy can brag with the longest hair, covering all the body of a creature. Even the bunny’s ears are hairy. The most wide-spread color of these animals is light red. Funny bunny lions!

Hermelin rabbit

Sometimes people call this animal “Polish”. This breed is extremely popular in Scandinavian countries and in Great Britain. These guys are recognized for their white-snow very short fur, slim short ears and their button nose. Their “face” reminds a muzzle of a Persian cat.

Colorful dwarf rabbit

This bunny resembles Hermelin, but it has different color. Their tidy bodies can be covered with red, black, grey, silver fur, and its hair has an average length.

If you take much care about any of these rabbits, mentioned above or other decorative bunnies, the creature can live with you up to 6 years and even more.

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