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The majority of Russian families bring up their sons in brutal manner, so the boys become strong, brave, and always ready to defend themselves and their nearest and dearest. Foreign woman like to apply to Russian men the phrase “behind the brick wall” and this is absolutely true for them. All men try to correspond to the features that the society imposes for them, as like to provide safety for their families (parents, wife and children) and to arrange their living in good financial condition. The men living in Russian federation prefer their wives to keep the house and bring up the children. At the same time, they try hard to earn as much money as possible to make their families happy.

But in spite of these rude tempers, the Russians still remain gentle and romantic. They can easily arrange a fabulous dating to their sweethearts that would print in the mind for years ahead.

What Are the Major Features of Russian Men?

Like men of other nations, Russian men have a huge amount of good and bad character features. Though, it would be right if we say that the number of positive features overweight the shortcomings that are true for the Russians. The majority of foreign woman pay particular attention to the rudeness of some men towards women at the wheel and that men are indifferent for their appearance and look. No one requires the Russians to pay the equal attention to their face and body as pop stars, for example, do. But, the majority of men don’t like to go shopping for dressing neatly and attending gym to keep up the excellent shape. Though, this situation may be applied to men all around the world.

It is interesting that the Russians had never drunk vodka in huge amounts. Nowadays the nation stopped drinking this beverage almost at all. Both women and men prefer a good wine or beer to vodka.

Today we would like to invite you staring at the most handsome Russian men with “enigmatic Russian soul”. Enjoy scrolling down this section of our website an feel free to leave hot comments!

Read also: Most Handsome Men of the World

15. Aleksey Chadov (September 2, 1981) - Russian actor.

Алексей Чадов самый красивый русский мужчина фото

14. Alexander Suvorov (November 8, 1979) - Russian actor.

Александр Суворов самый красивый российский мужчина фото

13. Aleksandr Kerzhakov (November 27, 1982) - Russian football player.

Александр Кержаков самый красивый футболист России фото

12. Sergey Lazarev (April 1, 1983) - Russian singer.


Сергей Лазарев самый красивый мужчина России фото

11. Dmitriy Olenin (Nobember 13, 1979) - Russian radio host, TV presenter, DJ and showman.

Дмитрий Оленин самый красивый мужчина телеведущий фото

10. Vasiliy Stepanov (January 14, 1986) - Russian actor.

Василий Степанов  самый красивый мужчина блондин в России фото

9. Dmitriy Borisov (August 15, 1985) - Russian journalist.

Дмитрий Борисов самый красивый русский мужчина телеведущий новостей фото

8. Timur Solovyov (February 11, 1982) - Russian radio and TV presenter.

Тимур Соловьёв  самый красивый русский фото

7. Pyotr Dranga (March 8, 1984) — Russian accordionist and singer.

Пётр Дранга самый красивый русский аккордеонист фото

6. Dmitriy Nagiev (April 4, 1967) - Russian actor, musician, showman, TV presenter, radio host.

Дмитрий Нагиев самый сексуальный русский мужчина фото

5. Ivan Urgant (April 16, 1978) - Russian actor, TV presenter, musician.

Иван Ургант самый сексапильный мужчина России фото

4. Anton Makarsky (November 26, 1975) - Russian actor and singer.

Антон Макарский самый красивый русский парень фото

3. Dima Bilan (December 24, 1981) - Russian singer.

Дима Билан самый стильный российский мужчина фото

2. Danila Kozlovsky (May 3, 1985) — Russian actor.

Данила Козловский самый красивый русский мужчина актёр фото

1. Daniil Strakhov (March 2, 1976) - Russian actor.

Даниил Страхов самый лучший российский мужчина фото

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