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Biography of Cansu Dere

    • The beautiful, young Turkish actress Cansu Dere was born in Ankara, on October 14, 1980. Unfortunately, journalists virtually nothing is known about the parents of actress, their occupation.
    • Cansu finished the first classes of school in Izmir. And after high school girl could go to the State University of Istanbul, indicating a perfect combination of beauty of the actress with good intelligence data.
    • Server time: March 28 2025 16:37:24

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    • Still the little girl she dreamed to become the famous ballet dancer. But over time in a circle of hobbies also the archeology appeared. And in case of receipt in the Istanbul university Cansu Dere chose nominal profession of the archeologist.
    • The first steps in acting of the girl there was a participation in the beauty contest which took place in 2000. At this competition future star took the third place. Such event became significant in her life as was made the decision to become professional model.

Cansu Dere красивая турецкая актриса фото

  • The work became a model Dere combine with the shooting on television. But 2002 brought her first role in the Turkish film.
  • The first roles were small, but led to the fact that the girl was noticed by other directors. And soon Cansu had a happy occurence as a leading role in TV series "Syla. Returning home". Though it was the first serious project in actor's life of Cansu Dere, she became successful. At first the two-year TV series found fine responses from the Turkish audience, and soon it was seen also by foreign admirers of TV series from Turkey.

Cansu Dere красивая турчанка фото

Creative achievements of Cansu

After TV Series "Sıla. Returning home" Cansu Dere entered to the list of the famous and popular actors. Among the Turkish actresses she even won first place following the results of a year. Participation in historical series "Son Osmanlı Yandım Ali" became continuation of career. Already authoritative actors, for example, Kenan Imirzalyoglu were partners in the project. On the end of shootings the offer with a new role arrived, it was quite unusual and required acting skills. In the movie "Bitter Love" at Dere there was a role of the blind girl. And again success, the audience liked this story. But the biggest glory of Cansu Dere was brought by TV series "Ezel". Turkey saw it in 2009. And here Kenan Imirzalyoglu became the partner of the young actress again. Dere has a rest after shootings not for long, between her works it is possible to see very short breaks. And after Ezel she begins work in the movie "Handwriting", in it she had a leading role. In TV series "Magnificent Century" the actress appears only in the third season, plays a role of the competitor Hyurr which already won love of the audience. But Cansu Dere was succeeded to cope with a task, she could also find admirers and the heroine.

Cansu Dere и Мехмет Акиф Алакурт в сериале "Сыла" фото

Private life of Cansu Dere

Journalists trying to track the personal lives of the young and popular actors, and Cansu Dere is no exception. In love, the actress has not had much luck, long-term relationship with the Turkish actor-comedian Cem Yilmaz ended his betrayal. At the same time the best friend Cansu Dere became the competitor in love as well. The moral injury from such treachery was very big and painful, so, that the girl doesn't even want to get the serious relations with other men now. But nevertheless love is included sometimes also into her life, beautiful and light novels. And she thinks of the child's birth, at the same time she intended to direct to a family all the efforts.

 Cansu Dere и Джем Илмаз фото

Cansu's hobbies

In life of the actress of shooting take the most important place, but she finds time and for favourite hobbies. Cansu Dere likes to photograph and uses each opportunity during trips about the country or travel abroad for creation beautiful and bright a picture. Her photos differ in professional style and skill. Also, the girl very many likes to read, the fine library is brought together at her home. At the same time among her favorite writers not only the Turkish authors, but also the famous novelists, poets from the different countries.

Cansu Dere турецкая модель фото

And Cansu keeps shape, necessary for each actress, regular training by active sports.

Model career

Since 2000 Cansu, after participation in International contest of beauty, often appears on podiums of the centers of fashion, Paris and Milan. Beautiful girl was offered to become in 2012 the face of a famous brand of L'Oreal. One more cosmetic firm invited her for advertising. It was AVON. Among advertising projects of Cansu Dere there is a presentation of MAGNUM ice cream, popular in Turkey.

Cansu Dere лицо косметических марок фото


Cansu Dere's Photos

Cansu Dere на обложке журнала фото

Cansu Dere в красивом платье фото

Cansu Dere красивые макияж фото

Cansu Dere в короткой юбке фото

Cansu Dere в модном платье фото

Cansu Dere красивая фигура фото

Cansu Dere в рекламе фото

Cansu Dere сексуальное фото

Cansu Dere турецкая актриса фото

Cansu Dere с завитыми волосами фото

Cansu Dere со щенком фото

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