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Sled dogs (also sledge dogs and sleigh dogs) were important for transportation in arctic areas, hauling supplies in areas that were inaccessible by other methods. They were used with varying success in the explorations of both poles, as well as during the Alaskan gold rush.Sled dog teams delivered mail to rural communities in Alaska and northern Canada.
Sled dogs probably evolved in Mongolia between 35,000 and 30,000 years ago. Scientists believe that humans migrated north of the Arctic Circle with their dogs, and using them to pull sleds 3,000 years ago, when communities were forced north to Siberia by pastoralists. Sled dogs have been used in Canada, Lapland, Greenland, Siberia, Chukotka, Norway, Finland, and Alaska.

Sled dog team photos

 Sled dog team photo

Sled dog team photo

Sled dog team photo

Sled puppy harness photo

Sled puppy harness photo

Sled dog harness photo

Sled dog harness photo

Sled dog harness photo

Alaskan Husky

Alaskan Husky photo

Alaskan Husky picture

Labrador Husky

Labrador Husky photo

Sakhalin Husky  (Karafuto Ken)

Sled dog breed Sakhalin Husky photo

Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky beautiful sled dog photo

Chukotka sled dog

Chukotka sled dog seldom breed photo

Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute american sled dog photo

Alaskan Malamute cute photo

Greenland Dog

Greenland Dog sled breed photo

Laponian sled dog

Laponian sled dog photo

Norwegian sports mestizo

Norwegian sports mestizo photo

Norwegian sports mestizo picture


Samoyed sled dog photo


Chinook American sled dog photo

Canadian Eskimo Dog

Canadian Eskimo Dog photo

Red Canadian Eskimo Dog photo

Yakutian Laika

Yakutian Laika Russian sled dog photo

East Siberian Laika. See also: Hunting Dog Breeds, Photos

East Siberian Laika Russian sled breed photo

Russian Volfhund

Russian Volfhund sled dog photo

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