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I decided to create a Top 10 best Turkish TV series, based on feedback from the audience and watching the first series of each of the series. I like this I finished watching the series called "The Magnificent Century". I think he's one of the best, so give him the unconditional first. You can read the most interesting facts about this series, casting actors, and see interesting pictures in the article "The Magnificent Century" - the best TV series.

 If desired, you can also recommend me a Turkish TV series that you think are not reflected in this rating, I am pleased to read information on them and see a few series, and if I like it, I will gladly replenish rating. For fans of Turkish cinema can advise familiar with the ranking of the best Turkish films.

 Also, on my website you can find ratings:

The most beautiful Turkish actors
The most beautiful Turkish actresses

 10. Ezel (2009)

Ezel turkish TV series, content and staring


9.  The Forbidden Love / Ask-I Memnu (2008)

The Forbidden Love / Ask-I Memnu turkish series, content, photo, staring


8. The Tulip Period / Lale Devri (2010)

The Tulip Period / Lale Devri turkish TV series content, photos, staring


7. Asi (2007-2009)

Asi popular turkish TV series, photos, casting


6. Ground, Sky, Love / Yer Gök Ask (2010)

Ground, Sky, Love / Yer Gök Ask turkish TV series photos and content


5. Under the shadow of linden / Ihlamurlar Altinda (2005)

Under the shadow of linden Ihlamurlar Altinda best turkish TV series photos and content


4.  Leaf Log / Yaprak Dökümü (2006)

Leaf Log / Yaprak Dökümü best turkish TV series photos and contents


3. What is Fatmagul's Fault? / Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne? (2010)

What is Fatmagul's Fault? Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne? best turkish TV series photos and content


2. Thousand and One Nights / BinBir Gece / 1001 (2006-2009)

Thousand and One Nights BinBir Gece best turkish TV series photos and content


1. The Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil (2011)

The Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil best and most popular turkish TV series photos and content

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