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Bulgarian women are cheerful, active, beautiful. They adequately represent the Slavic people at beauty contests. And the most important, beautiful Bulgarians always cause men's admiration: the main judges of effective female appearance. Girls and women from Bulgaria have their particular shape, facial features. And most of them corresponds to standard characteristics. But, thanks to the active migration of peoples, the constant movement of people from one country to another, the appearance of Bulgarian women is becoming more diverse.

Beauty of women from Bulgaria

A typical figure of Bulgarians sufficiently attractive, in outline, it is a bit like a guitar: a thin waist, a beautiful bust, magnificent hips. Beautiful Bulgarian women have thin bones, long hands, they have a beautiful shape of a skull. In comparison, with other Slavs, Bulgarian girls more distinguished external, more graceful. Among representatives of these people there are many girls fragile, tiny. You will seldom meet the stout women suffering from excess of weight. If there are fatties, they are already aged, as a rule. It is interesting that the beautiful, graceful figure of the Bulgarian is stored, without resorting to the help of diets, without limiting itself in food. Though Bulgarian cuisine also differs in a large number of dishes from vegetables and fruit.

Beautiful Bulgarian women are proud of the magnificent hair, both direct, and wavy. Most of the girls have dark hair, dark-chestnut or black. Though on streets of the Bulgarian cities it is often possible to meet both blondes, and red-haired. It is also typical for them the swarthy skin sparkling health, fresh and smooth. Bulgaria has an ideal climate, on the majority of the territory high humidity of air prevails that well affects moistening of skin.

Modern Bulgarian women with attention treat the appearance, using good cosmetics, new cosmetology procedures for maintenance of beauty. But they can without makeup look bright and attractive, because it contributes to a comfortable climate, healthy cuisine, rich in vitamins, plenty of sun.

Features of nature and way of life

As well as other European women, modern Bulgarian women are very active. They are on a par with men learn to interest profession, building a career. Among the brightest beauties are Bulgarians with the most different specialties and hobbies. But, at the same time, the Bulgarian women very responsibly treat a role of the wife, mother, daughter, keeping traditional relations in a family.

Young girls actively play sports, travel, are fond of tourism. Many Bulgarian beauties are representatives of a film world, show business, the known models. They are effective, self-assured women, charming and charismatic. They are on a par with men learn new profession, building a career.

  • 15. Stella Angelova  (4 september 1993)  - Bulgarian World & Europe champion Rhythmic Gymnast. Multi talented professional, actor, dancer/choreographer and a stunt woman.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Stella Angelova beautiful bulgarian gymnast, photo

  • 14. Evgeniya Radilova - Bulgarian actress. She is known for her work on Spartacus (2004), HorrorCon (2014) and The Tailor (2011).

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Evgeniya Radilova beautiful Bulgarian actress. photo

  • 13. Radina Kardjilova (June 17, 1986) - Bulgarian actress.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Radina Kardjilova bulgarian actress, photo

  • 12. Vanya Peneva (1988) -  Bulgarian model who won the title of Miss Bulgaria in 2011. 

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Vanya Peneva Miss Bulgari 2011 photo

  • 11. Geya Antonova (1989, Sofia) - Bulgarian model.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Geya Antonova Bulgarian models photo

  • 10. Nansi Karaboycheva (3 April 1993) - Bulgarian model who won the title of Miss Bulgaria in 2013. She represented her country at Miss World 2013.

     Нанси Карабойчева / Nansi Karaboycheva Miss Bulgaria 2013, photo

  • 9. Rositsa Ivanova (born 1987) - Bulgarian model who won the title of Miss Bulgaria in 2005. She represented her country at Miss World 2005.  

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Rositsa Ivanova beautiful bulgarian girl, model, photo

  • 8. Gabriela Vasileva (1992) - Bulgarian model who won the title of Miss Bulgaria in 2012. She represented her country at Miss World 2012.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Gabriela Vasileva Bulgarian model, photo

  • 7. Silvia Dimitrova - Bulgarian model who lives and works in Italy. Silvia Dimitrova was born in 1984 in Stara Zagora in Bulgaria. There she also spent her childhood. Like many other bulgarian women, she dreamed of becoming a model and her dreams came true pretty soon. Silvia is considered one of the most successful and beautiful bulgarian women who are well-known.

    Сильвия Димитрова / Silvia Dimitrova красивая модель с болгарскими корнями фото

  • 6. Romina Andonova (1989) - Bulgarian model who won the title of Miss Bulgaria in 2010. She represented her country at Miss World 2010.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Romina Andonova Miss Bulgaria 2010 photo

  • 5. Nikol Stankulova (8 August 1988) - Bulgarian Professional TV Host, Weather Presenter and Model.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Nikol Stankulova Bulgarian Professional TV Host. photo

  • 4. Diliana Popova (24 September 1981) - Bulgarian actress and model. In 2010, she was photographed for the Bulgarian version of Playboy magazine. Popova has appeared in the film, the film series Glass House and also had a role in the drama and romantic series Revolutcia Z.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Diliana Popova Bulgarian actress and model. photo

  • 3. Nikoleta Bojinova Lozanova (November 30, 1987) - Bulgarian model who was crowned that country's Playmate of the Year in 2006. Other magazines she has modelled for include FHM, Maxim and Playboy.

    nikoleta lozanova сексуальная модель из Болгарии фото

  • 2. Silvia Ranguelova (November 14, 1983) - Bulgarian model and actress.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Silvia Ranguelova famous Bulgarian model and actress photo

  • 1. Nina Dobrev (January 9, 1989) - Bulgarian-Canadian actress and model. Nina Dobrev is among of the prettiest Bulgarian women on the planet. She was the cause of why now the bulgarians can say with accuracy that reached the level of Hollywood. . Nina used to work as the model and it led her to the advertising business, and then turned into a screen test. Dobrev has played in twenty films and television series in America and Canada and.  She is very proud of being bulgarian. She speaks only in bulgarian with her family.

    Beautiful bulgarian women. Nina Dobrev mos beautiful bulgurian woman photo

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