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Beautiful Albanian women are quite nice, though low, as well as men, but dressing and doing make up almost like an Italian - catchy and fashionable. In the megalopolises girls do not take on a headscarf or chador, all are dressed in European style. Talking about the modern world, you clearly notice that there is almost the same in all the countries of Muslim. Young girls tend to escape from the traditions and customs, and try to start living as well as Europeans.

Freedom, which today is given to albanian women, is really attractive. Many girls brought up in the tradition, but initially amenable to the opportunities and temptations that are given to them, but after some time they understand that all old customs and traditions are much stronger bind the family, rather than freedom and permissiveness in the relationship.

In modern Albania still exists an ancient tradition that allows albanian women to get the status of men vow of celibacy. In later times, when men were dominated and women's destination was maximum limited to the care of children and housekeeping. As to the old oral Code, the price of girl's life was half male, when the price of virgin's life was 12 bulls. At that times, females had not any rights or voices, their opinions in the family did not mean anything. Their job meant working at home and have children. Parents could sell own daughter for a rich husband for six cows. Nowadays still if a girl does not want to marry an unloved, she could take a vow to remain a virgin forever.

But there is other reason for beautiful Albanian women to go to the other side. Many centuries Albania participated in internecine wars and always could happen a situation when the man in the family just does not remain. Then, domination and all family property passed into the hands of a single woman. This may seems like an awful tradition, custom, which robs a woman of her true destiny, but anyway giving the oath, albanian women have discovered a free life from infringements of personality and abuse.

And now list of the most beautiful Albanian women.

  • 22. Laureta Meci (30 August 1977) - Albanian-American actress.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Laureta Meci Albanian-American actress

  • 21. Eralda Hitaj (6 June 1987) - professional Albanian model, Miss Albania Universe 2006.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Eralda Hitaj professional Albanian model, Miss Albania Universe 2006

  • 20. Emina Cunmulaj (12 September 1984) - Albanian-American model.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Emina Cunmulaj Albanian-American model. 

  • 19. Ermonela Jaho (1974) - Albanian opera singer, soprano.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Ermonela Jaho Albanian opera singer, soprano

  • 18. Tika Ivezaj (3 October 1986) - Albanian supermodel.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Tika Ivezaj Albanian supermodel

  • 17. Hasna Xhukici (13 April 1988) - Albanian model and Miss Universe Albania 2009 winner.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Hasna Xhukici Albanian model and Miss Universe Albania 2009

  • 16. Amarda Toska (5 March 1982) - Albanian TV presenter, studied ballet in the past, a psychologist by profession.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Amarda Toska Albanian TV presenter photo

  • 15. Eva Pepaj (12 June 1985) - Albanian model, actress. After moving to the United States,she has become a professional model.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Eva Pepaj Albanian model, actress

  • 14. Gentiana "Genta" Ismajli (12 April 1985) - ethnic Kosovo Albanian singer and composer.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Gentiana Genta Ismajli Kosovo Albanian singer and composer

  • 13. Eliza Dushku (30 December 1980) — American actress and producer. Albanian on the paternal side.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Eliza Dushku American actress and producer

  • 12. Ersela Kurti (1992) - Albanian model, winner "Miss World Albania 2012".

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Ersela Kurti  Albanian model, winner Miss World Albania 2012

  • 11. Bebe Rexha - American singer electronic music band "Black Cards". By nationality - Albanian.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Bebe Rexha  American singer

  • 10. Angela Martini (23 May 1986) - Albanian model, winner "Miss Universe Albania 2010" contest

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Angela Martini Albanian model, winner Miss Universe Albania 2010

  • 9. Valbona Coba (3 May 1975) - Albanian model.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Valbona Coba Albanian model photo

  • 8. Sidorella Toli (25 December 1993) - Albanian model.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Sidorella Toli

  • 7. Aferdita Dreshaj (19 July 1986) - Albanian singer and model,  winner "Miss Universe Kosovo 2011" contest.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Aferdita Dreshaj Albanian model

  • 6. Xhuli Nura - Albanian model.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Xhuli Nura Albanian model

  • 5. Brittany Pjetraj (16 September 1990) - winner "Miss Teen-2008" from the state of South Carolina, and she took second place in the national competition "Miss Teen USA 2008".

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Brittany Pjetraj Miss Teen-2008

  • 4. Floriana Garo (15 February 1987) - Albanian TV host and model.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Floriana Garo Albanian TV host and model

  • 3. Amanda Lajcaj - American model of Albanian origin.

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Amanda Lajcaj American model of Albanian origin

  • 2. Agnesa Vuthaj (8 February 1986) - Albanian beauty contestant and winner in the title of "Miss Kosovo 2003".

    Beautiful Albanian Women. Agnesa Vuthaj winner in the title of Miss Kosovo 2003

  • 1. Antoinette Nikprelaj (20 September 1986) - Beaytiful Albanian model and actress.

    Antoinette Nikprela Albanian  Beautiful Albanian Woman, model and actress photo

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