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Without doubt, it can be said that if there were no women, the world will be not so nice a place to live in as it is now. During my tour of Asia last summer, I happened to meet a few Japanese women and I can assure you that they are one of the best. These beautiful Japanese women have wonderfully flawless skin and have smooth and shinning silky hair which makes them get a princess like look all the time. No wonder with a fabulous gown, they look stunning and can grab attention anywhere, anytime on earth.

There has been a general convention that Japanese women have small eyes. Mind it that this is far from the truth. I had this opportunity of meeting several beautiful Japanese women with brilliant eyes. Moreover, I would also like to add that these eyes are wonderfully expressive and they do make an instant connection. Historically, it has been seen that the Japanese are quite hospitable and it is through their eyes you can feel the warmth and love. Thus, it is those amazingly expressive eyes which make a Japanese woman quite attractive and certainly enhance their beauty. Also those with small eyes tend to do a wonderful eye makeup. With dazzling eye shadows and mascara on, they tend to hide up every flaw.

Regarding clothing too, they are definitely quite trendy. What i would like to stress on is that their dressing sense is quite marvellous. With smart clothing and tidy appearance, I must admit that these women are sure to win hearts across the globe.

Throughout my journey across Japan, I also saw that these women do possess a wonderfully curved body which certainly makes a firsthand impression. Amazing body contour and on top of that a cute smile really makes these beautiful Japanese women super hot.

So if you are one of those who think that these Asian women, especially Japanese, lack that extra appeal, I advise you to think again. These women are simply superb and are adored worldwide for their natural skin beauty and a fresh outlook. Really, they are one of the best amongst their counterparts across the globe.

My top 10 the most beautiful Japanese women.

  • 10. Mayuko Iwasa / 岩佐真悠子 (24 February, 1987) - Japanese model and actress. Her height is 155 cm (or 5 ft 1 in). measurements: bust - 83, waist - 58, hips - 86.

    Mayuko Iwasa beautiful japanese women photos

  • 9. Kyoko Fukada / 深田 恭子 (2 November 1982) - Japanese actress, model and singer.

    Kyoko Fukada beautiful japanese women photos

  • 8. Nakayama Miho / 中山 美穂 (1 March, 1970) - Japanese model, actress and singer.

    Nakayama Miho beautiful japanese women photos

  • 7. Reon Kadena / かでな れおん (19 February, 1986) -Japanese actress and model.

    Reon Kadena beautiful japanese women photos

  • 6. Yukie Nakama / 仲間 由紀恵 (30 October 1979) - Japanese actress and singer.

    Yukie Nakama beautiful japanese women photos

  • 5. Ueto Aya / 上戸 彩 (14 September 1985) - Japanese model, actress.

    Ueto Aya beautiful japanese women photos

  • 4. Nozomi Sasaki / (佐々木 希 (8 February 1988) - famous Japanese actress and model. Her height is 168 cm.

    Nozomi Sasaki beautiful japanese women photos

  • 3. Ebihara Yuri / 蛯原 友里 (3 October 1979) - Japanese model and actress. Her height is 168cm. measurements: bust - 82, waist - 56, hips - 84cm.

    Ebihara Yuri  beautiful japanese women photos

  • 2. Kitagawa Keiko / 北川 景子 (22 August, 1986) - Japanese former model and actress.

    Kitagawa Keiko beautiful japanese women photos

  • 1. Meisa Kuroki / 黒木 メイサ (28 May 1988) - most beautiful Japanese woman, model and actress. Real name -Satsuki Shimabukuro / 島袋 さつき.

    Meisa Kuroki beautiful japanese women photos

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