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Pakistani women live in classic society of patriarchal muslim. Mostly parents agree about the conjugal union of the future couple. Marriages in love can be found only in megalopolises. In marriage a priority be a wife is given to cousins, second cousins and finally the females of the their own clan or tribe.

The situation of pakistani women for the huge part similar to the whole Arab world. The most important role for them is being a wife and mother of children, preferably sons. Sons are usually more prefered daughters because sons are supporting elderly parents. The marriage of a daughter and her dowry is often a heavy burden for shoulders of her parents. Sometimes they are not even able to pay off all the debts for many years.

Girls are getting married before the 18-th years old or earlier. Teens at early ages began to prepare for housekeeping, sewing and cooking. After the girl is married, the main event for her is the birth of children. Children are considered to be a gift of God. As children grow and status of the mother increases, especially if she has a couple of sons. Families with daughters of marriageable age, turning to her in finding suitors. Most mothers have a big impact on on their sons. In old age, Pakistani women switch to raising grandchildren.

In the local community the situation of pakistani women are very peculiar. On the one side, the country is one of the mostly "europeanized" countries in the world of Islam, where numerous girls are just baggy access to education and social activities, politics. But within a community or family status of women is determined by all the values and Islamic traditions, which in this regard are at the highest level and have extraordinary power.

A lot of pakistani women are denied of any rights. They have no idea what the independence or freedom is. They are sure that they are born for serving husbands and families without a personal opinion. In such families the facts of women violence are often presented, where husbands are showing serious cruelty to wives.

  • 20. Zara Peerzada(23 June 1992) - Pakistani photomodel.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Zara Peerzada Pakistani photomodel photo

  • 19. Mehwish Hayat(6 January 1985) - Pakistani model, singer and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Mehwish Hayat photo, фото пакистанская модель

  • 18. Nargis Fakhri(20 October 1979) - American-Pakistani model and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Nargis Fakhri Pakistani model, singer and actress photo

  • 17. Humaima Malick(18 November 1987) - Pakistani actress and model.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Humaima Malick photo, фото пакистанская актриса

  • 16. Eshita Mehboob(5 August 1988) - Pakistani model and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Eshita Mehboob photo,Pakistani actress and model

  • 15. Dilshad Vadsaria(14 September 1985) — American-Pakistani TV actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Dilshad Vadsaria photo, American-Pakistani TV actress

  • 14. Mehreen Raheel(8 February 1981) - Pakistani actress and model.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Mehreen Raheel photo, фото пакистанская актриса

  • 13. Aaminah Sheikh(29 August 1981) - Pakistani actress and photomodel.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Aaminah Sheikh photo Pakistani actress and model

  • 12. Ayyan Ali(30 July 1993) - Pakistani actress and fashion model.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Ayyan Ali photo, Pakistani actress and fashion model

  • 11. Juggan Kazim(7 January 1976) - Pakistani-Canadian actress, model and TV host.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Juggan Kazim photo, Pakistani-Canadian actress, model and TV host

  • 10. Sadia Imam- Pakistani model and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Sadia Imam photo, Pakistani model and actress

  • 9. Iffat Rahim- former Pakistani model and actress 80-90s.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Iffat Rahim photo, former Pakistani model and actress

  • 8. Shanina Shaik(11 February 1991) - Australian model with Pakistani roots.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Shanina Shaik photo,Australian model with Pakistani roots

    Read also: Australian women

  • 7. Aiza Khan(15 January 1991) - Pakistani model and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Aiza Khan photo, Pakistani model and actress

  • 6. Mehreen Syed(2 August 1986) - Pakistani supermodel and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Mehreen Syed photo, Pakistani supermodel and actress

  • 5. Amna Haq(4 November 1972) - Pakistani model and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Amna Haq photo, Pakistani model and actress

  • 4. Iman Ali(19 December 1980) - Pakistani model and actress.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Iman Ali photo, Pakistani model and actress

  • 3. Mahnoor Baloch(1970) - Pakistani model, actress and film director.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Mahnoor Baloch photo, Pakistani model, actress and film director

  • 2. Saba Qamar(5 January 1978) - Pakistani actress and model.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Saba Qamar photo, Pakistani actress and model

  • 1. Sara Loren or Mona Lizza(11 Decenber 1985) - Pakistani actress and TV host, having a Pakistani-Kuwaiti roots, which can be removed in Lollywood, Bollywood and Pakistani serials.

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Sara Loren, Pakistani actress and TV host

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Mona Lizza photo, Pakistani actress and TV host

    Beautiful Pakistani Women, Pakistani actress and TV host photo

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