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Miss World Muslimah - is an annual international beauty contest for young Muslim women who demonstrated dedication and concern about Islamic values. The contest is held as an international charity event of the World Islamic Fund (WMF).

The first contest of Miss World Muslimah hosted online August 1, 2011 .
Requirements for the competitions were specifically designed to be different from other competitions such as the Miss World. Contestants must demonstrate religious piety, Muslim spirituality and be a positive example. The right to participate in the competition are representative of the countries where the main religion is Islam. On the catwalk defile participating in long , robed figure of hiding , as well as headdress that covers the hair and neck . The jury evaluates the piety and devotion of contestants , their knowledge of religious texts and understanding of the teachings contained in the holy book of Muslims - the Koran.

Miss World Muslimah photo

Miss World Muslimah photo

In 2013, the competition was held as a protest against the traditional contest "Miss World 2013", which also took place in Indonesia, on the island of Bali. In 2013, the selection of participants for the competition took place online, in which 500 women were selected. Next is the judges selected 20 participants from 6 countries (Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Nigeria), who have the right to participate in the final

The following are the three winners of the contest from 2011 to 2013.

Dika Restiyani (18 January 1988 ) - Muslim model from Indonesia , a student at the University of Technology in Singapore. Takes part in the volunteer movement "Pelangi" for children's education.

Miss World Muslimah 2011

Dika Restiyani photo, Miss World Muslimah 2011 photo

Dika Restiyani photo, Miss World Muslimah 2011 photo

Dika Restiyani photo, Miss World Muslimah 2011 photo

 Nina Septiani (1990, Jakarta , Indonesia) - Indonesian model, shop owner hijab

Miss World Muslimah 2012

Nina Septiani photo, Miss World Muslimah 2012 photoNina Septiani photo, Miss World Muslimah 2012 photo

Nina Septiani photo, Miss World Muslimah 2012 photo

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Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola (1992) - a student of the Nigerian Muslim school . Miss Nigeria won the main prize - a trip to Mecca (Saudi Arabia) , a cash prize of 25 million Indonesian rupiah ( U.S. $ 2,189.25 ) , as well as a trip to India.

Miss World Muslimah 2013

Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola photo, Miss World Muslimah 2013

Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola photo, Miss World Muslimah 2013

Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola photo, Miss World Muslimah 2013

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