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Mexicans live not only in Mexico — over 37 million of them locate the USA. Modern Mexicans divide in their origin into three groups. 68 percent are descendants of mixed marriages between whites and Indians, 20 % are descendants of Europeans, and 11 % are Indians. Mexican women are among the most beautiful people in the world. These tanned and figured girls are the embodiment of passion and charm. They have the talents that might be compared with the gifts of the best Hollywood actresses, but they look absolutely natural in comparison with their American “companions”. The world still remember the triumph of Mexican actresses in 1980s-1990s. That time whole world was enchanted by them.

Maria Sorte — the most famous Mexican actress

Today only the fans of Latin Americal “soap operas” remember the name of Maria Sorte. The woman is over 60 now (still gorgeous!), but in 1990s she was a stunning gorgeous beauty. In 1993, this beginning Mexican actress got the role she dreamed of all her life — she was offered to play Daniela Lorente in “My Second Mom” soap opera. This was the first major role written specifically for her. To show the character of her heroine, Maria cut off her long hair and dyed it. For months she learned to remove gloves and coats beautifully “as a lady”. She talked with women who had experienced sexual abuse for a long time. Maria Sorte belonges to the mostly desired and loved by everybody Mexican actresses, but she was always a devoted wife. Several years ago she lost her love, who died of cancer. They were together for 22 years. The politician Javier Garcia Paniagua was the only love in the life of Mary, but they were not officially married. After the death of Javier Maria was carried away by religion and changed a lot. Now she travels through Mexico with theatrical productions, in which she talks a lot about love, devotion and friendship.

Veronica Castro — the actress that sings

Veronica Castro was the cutest Mexican actress in 1990s. Famous for her soap operas “The rich also cry”, “Wild rose” and known for her beautiful voice, she began her career in the modeling business. At the age of 16 she appeared nude in the men's magazine Caballero and instantly gained scandalous popularity. However, it turned out that the pretty brown-haired woman had a true talent. The soup operas where she played the main roles became super successful not only in Latin America, but also in Spain, France, Russia and even China. When playing her role in “Wild Rose”, this Mexican actress personally performed the song-soundtrack, Rosa Salvaje, which quickly became the #1 hit in Mexico, and then in the rest of South America. At the beginning of her acting career, Veronica met comedian Manuel Valdez. She still loves the man. Castro gave birth to Valdes two sons — Christian, who became famous in Mexico as a singer and composer, and Michel. Her relationship with her eldest son still serves as a “fertile ground” for gossip in the Latin American press: they say that Veronica has sharply condemned Christian's divorce with his ex-wife Gabriela Bo and a wedding with a new girl, Valeria Lieberman.

Victoria Ruffo — known as Maria

Young Mexican actress Victoria Ruffo began her career in 1980, when she got a role in TV serial “Conflicts of a doctor”. Soon the talented actress was noticed by influential producers, and in five years Ruffo played the main roles in the series “Victoria” and “Simply Maria”. Victoria gained that time not only fame and recognition, but also the first love — she married Eugenio, the son of her colleague Sylvia Derbez. A few years later, Ruffo gave her husband beautiful sons — Jose Eduardo and Miguel. However, the union of Victoria and Eugenio disintegrated in 1996 after 7 years of relations and 5 years of marriage. In 2001, Ruffo married the Mexican politician Omar Fayyad, and in August 2004 she gave birth to the twins Anuar and Victoria. Mother's “career” let Victoria forgetting about her acting for a short while, but a year later the actress played a notable role in the series “Stepmother”. Today, although she is not the youngest one Mexican actress, she is the highly paid person on TV of her country.

However, you might make a mistake if you think that today you won’t find so stunning and gorgeous Mexican actresses as in past. These charming ladies play their roles not only in their native country, but they become stars in Hollywood and overseas. Many of us admire the beauty and talent of Sandra Echeverría (“The bridge”, “Dangerous Affairs”, etc), Marlene Favela (“Wild Cat” “Between love and hatred”), Elizabeth Gutierrez (“Wild heart”, “I‘ll never forget you”, etc.). Finally, who do not know the real beauty Salma Hayek, who was also born in Mexico? These women have the natural beauty and the flame burning in their heart. They are always ready sharing their inner passion with those, who love watching them in movies and serials.

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