Kaan Urgancioglu is one of the most sought-after artists in Ankara, a fashion model, a burning brunette and a sexy man.

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He starred in 30 films, but the world fame came to him with "Endless Love". The real star of Turkish cinema decided to get marry soon. Changes in his personal life provoked an even greater interest of fans to his biography, family and personal life. So we will try to shed a small light on how this popular Turkish actor is living.
Kaan Urgancioglu was born in 1981 in Izmir. This is the second largest city in Turkey. The family of Kaan is quite wealthy. Perhaps, that is why the biography of the future actor at that time once changed to the best side for him, and the guy devoted his life to filmmaking.
In Turkey, Kaan graduated a high school. The boy studied at school for kids of wealthy parents. The family of Kaan tried to provide him with the best childhood. The boy grew up a carefree tomboy.
After graduation, the family moved to the United States. Then the guy graduated from college. After a while, parents decided to return to their homeland. It is not known what triggered this push, but a young guy has got his higher education already in Turkey. At the age of 19, Kaan returned to his homeland. He entered the university in the capital of Turkey.
At this time, Kaan began to actively withdraw for men's magazines. This guy was in great demand among famous photographers. A great role was played by his incredibly attractive appearance. In addition, Kaan grew up quite a tall guy. This is exactly what you should have to shoot advertising for male clothing. If you are interested in Kaan as a model, you may find pictures with him in such publications as All, InStyle, and many others.
Through participation in promotional photo projects, Kaan was noticed by the popular producer Abdullah Oguz. He invited the guy to participate in one of his projects. So Kaan got to the cinema. His first work is the main role in the film "Karaoglan".
Despite the fact that his career in cinema began immediately from the main role, for this young guy his life was not as smooth as it seemed. He lacked practical experience. To rectify the situation, Kaan for some time returned to New York. There he became a student of Stella Adler Academy of Acting & Theater.
In 2006, the actor got a role in the sensational Turkish project "First Love". Then, steadily, every year he had a new role in the cinema. The young guy has finally got the world fame after the release of the film "Endless Love".
Personal life
At the end of last year, it became known that a favorite actor of many women decided to tie themselves up by marriage. For the fans this news was a real shock. It was much more pleasant for women to know that their idol was free. This meant that they still have a small chance to become the only one for him.
Kaan Urgancioglu is known for his affairs with the most beautiful women of Turkish cinema. Several years ago, the attention of the actor's fans was riveted to his affair with the Turkish socialite Derin Mermerchy. Their relationship was discussed for a long time in the Turkish press. It is not known what caused the discord in the relationship between Kaan and Derin. The couple still broke up.
The new actor's choice is the photographer Zeynep Oymak. The young man has been dating with her for two years. In November 2016, it became known that lovers plan to get married.
In May the last year, the couple was seen at the wedding of Turkish actors Kenan Ymirzalyoglu and Sinem Kobal. Those close people to Kaan told that his parents had already met with his darling's parents.
Young people planned to legalize their relationship last summer. It is still unknown whether Zeynep Oymak became the legitimate wife of Kaan Urgangioglu. The actor himself did not give comments to the press. Unlike other celebrities, Kaan tries to protect his privacy from annoying paparazzi. Journalists have to overcome many obstacles to find out something about the upcoming wedding of a famous actor.
Kaan Urgancioglu in social networks
If you are involved in the life of actor Kaan Urgancioglu, we recommend you subscribe to the page of the star in Instagram. You may find him by the nickname kaanurgancioglu. There are only 369 publications in Instagram, but Kahan has 999 thousand followers. The actor himself was signed for 417 people. They are stars from the world of cinema, and also close actors.
There are not too many photos of Kaan in his Instagram. Actor prefers to publish photos of nature. On his page you will also find several photos of a celebrity with his future wife. In the comments to the photos, admirers like the beauty of his pet's favorites.
The actor has been signed by both Russian-speaking users and users from Turkey. To read what inscriptions Kaan leaves to his photos, you need to use the function of an interpreter from Instagram.