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Results of voting:"The best actor of Turkey"

Mehmet Günsür is Turkish actor and macho, who gained the hearts of native cinephiles after series “Magnificent Сentury” debut. Нe played perfectly the role of Mustafa Pasha there. The master of screen became very popular in his own country long ago. Mehmet can’t be referred to those people who made a profession choice after much forethought. He chose his way being a child and followed the peak of fame steadily. The fans appraise the star of Turkish cinema in different ways. Ones focus on his patience and the ability to achieve goals. The others consider him to be a child of fortune with rich natural means. But Günsür can hold the attention of public and entertain their minds. This says for his charisma and talent.             

Mehmet’s Teen Years

The actor was born on the 8th of May, 1975 in Istanbul. His father, Teoman Günsür, was a nuclear physicist and would like his son to be a scientist. This plan was bollix up with the boy’s extremely handsome appearance. Model agencies’ employs noticed Günsür, the junior, and asked him to feature in commercials interrupting each other. Being a seven-year-old boy, he cast in Coca cola commercials, than he was a face of famous brands - MaviJeans and Hotic. But the exceptional appearance was not the only factor that brought him success. It was an acting ability too. The young model was invited on TV. Besides, he was shot for glamour journals. So, Mehmet Günsür was popular since childhood and he liked it. He took part in castings, photo shoots, fashion shows and Telephoto with pleasure. The series of commercials worth him many efforts, but it didn’t scare the young talent. At that very moment Günsür understood that his life would be very closely related with creation.                 

Mehmet Günsür’s Images

Commercials allowed Mehmet grow as all-round person. This credit is due to his parents, who didn’t use the taboo tactic and let their son feature in model business. His parents asked him only to gain respectable education. The compromises had been reached for the dream of physicist’s dynasty was broken. Mehmet graduated the faculty of Mass-media communications in Marmara University and was qualified as journalist.           

The young man decided to became a businessman, having a liberal education diploma in his hand. He became working as barman and was going to open his own restaurant in the future. At the same time Mehmet Günsür fell over the music and became Dawn band’s frontman. He went in for sports too. Günsür became a master in tennis and could be easily taken in Turkish national team. But the acting ability outdid all his nature images. The cinema was a great part of his life at that time. So, it became the leading direction of his creation and the main profession.         

Mehmet Günsür’s Cinema Life

Commecrials’ featuring and work on TV led Mehmet to cinema. The “Geçmiş Bahar Mimozaları” was his first fictional film. The actor was 14 when he had been featuring in the film. The real success found him in 1997 after “Hamam” of Ferzan Özpetek debut. This role brought him The Most Promising Actor Award at Ankara International Film Festival. He received new invitations after this triumph. This led the beginning to the way to stars. On 1999 “Hayal Kurma Oyunları” and ”Dreaming games” was launched where Günsür featured. Two years after his fans were enjoying seeing him playing in series “Don Matteo”, “Amici di Gesù - Giuda, Gli”, and “Amici di Gesù - Tommaso, Gli”. The young star got the special award from jury on Golden Orange Film Festival for his role as Nihat Denizer in “He's in the Army Now (O Şimdi Asker)”. Mehmet Günsür reached the peak of popularity thanks for the main role in melodrama “Love Likes Coincidences.” The film became the leader in Turkish film service, having gained 13,5 million dollars.        

The actor’s work in the “Magnificent Century” is considered to be perfect. The image of Mustafa Pasha, a graceful royal prince with tragic destiny, was played him masterly. The master of screen is so realistic that scuttles the film director’s risks in actor casting. The viewer doesn’t notice that Günsür is five years older than Nur Aysan, who played the role of Mahidevran Sultan’s mother. The Turkish actor became famous all over the world due to his talent and this series. The “Magnificent Century” is shown on TV in more than 50 countries.

Mehmet Günsür’s Love and Family

The starring roles’ executive is not famous for messy love affairs in spite of excessive attention of the fair sex. He is married happily to an Italian, Katherine Monge. His wife is busy producing documentary films. The couple get known each other in the Italian town, Lecce. Mehmet came there to visit a friend. As actor says, the love started half an hour after the acquaintance. The fiancee received marriage proposal during a boat trip, so the boat trips are  favorite family’s leisure time. The lovers have issued marriage two months before the birth of their first child. Now the couple has a son and two daughters. Mehmet Günsür is very devoted to his family and is faithful to his beloved wife. He said in an interview to "Hurriyet" newspaper that the worst thing in life is betrayal.

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