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Results of voting:"The best actress of Turkey"

Selma’s biography

Selma Ergec is a famous and charming actress born on the first day of November, 1978 in the German town Hamm. Her mother worked as a nurse, her father was busy with doctoring. All in all, the girl was raised in the simple labour family. When Selma was 5, the whole family moved to the Turkish town Mersin, a bit later to Ankara, hence the girl entered the first grade of the Turkish school. Some time later her parents decide to change the place of their living again.  The diploma of the school graduate was received by the girl all the same in Germany.

Despite the fact that there were many travels and wanders in Selma’s life, sometimes it was very difficult for her time and again to get used to new friends, school. Parents took responsibility for the education of their daughter; hence surely Oxford was the higher educational establishment chosen for their girl. Selma was a diligent student and was trying to master the knowledge and skills given by the teachers to the maximal degree. She was sent to France according to the program of student exchange because of her excellent studying. The girl loved and appreciated her parents very much, that is why when it was time for her to choose a future profession, she undoubtedly preferred the profession of the doctor and entered Medical department in Istanbul. The internship of Selma Ergec was excellent and she mastered all doctoring skills and abilities.

Selma Ergec’s career and filmography

When girl’s internship came to an end, she takes a vacation and during it she takes part in the filming of “Yarim Elma” by NBC company. After such an unexpected turnaround of events there was no sense to return to a medical profession. Selma Ergec, who got used to being an excellent student during her life, decides to master acting skills at the highest level. From these considerations she visits the lessons of one popular actress Alia Uzunatagandan. Her aim was to conquer the summit of the actress career and in 2006 already Selma’s efforts were crowned with success – she was suggested a role in the movie “Net 2.0”.This film is a common project of American and Turkish moviemakers and it gained a wide popularity after the process of filming had finished.

After a successful role in the film Selma Ergec began to receive regular offers to play roles in famous movies. The actress took part in filming of such series as “Sohret”, “Asi” and such movies as “Ses”, “Bes Vakit”. The girl was undoubtedly born very talented. After her role in the series “Muhteşem Yüzyıl”, Selma managed to get an incredible approval of the audience and become a fascination of many movie fans. The life of the young actress began to change rather quickly. Directors and producers began to take an unusual vivid interest in her personality. Selma felt really happy as the doctor profession was only a possibility for her to please her beloved parents. Not suddenly, but in some time she was approved of her career by her parents. Her mother and father treated the change of their daughter’s profession with top tact and did not make any obstacles on the way of her artistic development. The actress takes part in different Turkish fashion shows, where she is considered one of the most successful models.

Selma Ergec’s private life

A beautiful and very talented actress has always attracted the attention of hundreds of men. One of her admirers was Ozgur Cevik, who also starred in “Muhteşem Yüzyıl”. But the relationship between them has not become serious. Quite for a long time Ugur Polat, one of her partners in filming, was the partner of Selma. But in the end, the union of hearts surprisingly came to an end.

More recently in public she is noticed with the 32-year-old Jun Oz, the owner of publishing house “Can YAyinlari”. But all this is only our guesswork. In her interviews Selma does not like to speak about her personal life and moreover, give publicity to it. She is hardly ever rumored and has a plain decent life. She is sure that she has not met her loving boyfriend, with whom she would be able to live up to the deep elderly ages through foul and fair. Now all her energy is focused on making a brilliant acting career and further development of her practical skills and abilities.

Actress’s interests nowadays

All her time spent for education was not meaningless. She is fond of languages. She is fluent both in Turkish and German. Except for this, she can easily communicate using the language of the French, the Italians and the Englishmen. It is rather easy for the actress to study linguistics and she is not going to stop. Selma also dedicates her freetime to playing with a rapier as she has been going in for fencing for a long time. But being a usual earthly person, the actress admits being afraid of everything “high and deep”. She is confident that the extreme perseverance and aspiration will help to overcome all possible life obstacles.

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