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Serbian men amaze with their growth and slim bodies. They have an amazing slavic appearance of an unmatched beauty. They are very handsome with wide shoulders and courageous aquiline profiles. Regardless of the age males here are really charismatic. These southern guys have the manifestation of openness and friendliness. They are very cheerful, sincere, emotional, even passionate people. In Serbia men are passionate about sports, they almost do not drink alcohol, but smoke a lot.

Serbian men are good psychologists by nature, they are very perceptive. Apparently, this is the genetic memory from the time of the Turkish conquest of the Balkans, where the garment, manner of speaking, gesticulating judged the religion of a man, his origin, kind of activity. Today, if the serb has higher social status, he has more expensive clothes, jewelery, he speaks louder and more gesticulates.

Serbian males have much less personal space than the northern and western Europeans: they adopt slap on the back, hug, strong and long handshake. They prefer tactile contact: thrice kisses on the cheek when meeting men. In the companies they usually spend long conversations on abstract themes. After watching the film the serb guy immediately wants to discuss it. People are open emotionally in this country.

Serbs especially treat women. The patriarchy reigns in the country, but women are not in the humiliated situation, as in the East. Serbian patriarchate in concept is: a house is a fortress and a husband is a stone wall for his wife. A woman in such a family will feel secure, in turn from it she will be required the full recoil for home and children. She will be expected to respect elders and show respectful attitude. Serbian men feel a special passion for slavic girls, they are perfect ideal wives for them: beautiful, good housekeepers, complaisant.

Women should not wait for a special family life, romance, small talk about modern painting from serbian husbands. Serbian men are specific, practical, appreciate the history of the nation and know a lot of stories and legends. It is worth remembering that the serbs are quick-tempered and jealous.

Serbs are a lot like russians, but the war for independence, mountain customs, difficult fate of their ancestors postponed the imprint the nature of this nationality.

11. Andrija Milosevic (6 August 1978) - Serbian and Montenegrin actor.

Handsome Serbian Men Andrija Milosevic Serbian actor

10. Гојко Качар (26 January 1987) - football player.

Handsome Serbian Men Гојко Качар

9. Djordje Bogdanovic (1988) - male model.

Handsome Serbian Men Djordje Bogdanovic model

8. Andrija Bikic (1981) – male model.

Handsome Serbian Men Andrija Bikic model

7. Banja Udovicic (12 September 1982) - Serbian water polo player.

Handsome Serbian Men Banja Udovicic

6. Dusan Tadic (20 November 1988) - Serbian football player.

Handsome Serbian Men Dusan Tadic football player

5. Vojin Cetkovic (22 August 1971) - Serbian film and theater actor.

Handsome Serbian Men Vojin Cetkovic Serbian actor

4. Vuk Kostic (22 November 1979) - Serbian actor.

Handsome Serbian Men Vuk Kostic Serbian actor

3. Zeljko Joksimovic (20 April 1972) - popular Serbian singer and composer.

Handsome Serbian Men Zeljko Joksimovic Serbian singer

2. Gojko Mitic (1940)Yugoslavian film actor (Serb by nationality), director and stuntman.

Handsome Serbian Men Gojko Mitic

1. Novak Djokovic (22 May 1987) - Serbian professional tennis player.

Handsome Serbian Men Novak Djokovic

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