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Believe me or not, cats could be your best friend as they are quite loyal to their owners. Several  large cat breeds are available and definitely one of them can be your choice. These cats can be your guide and companion and probably can be your best buddy in times of need. For your convenience, here’s a quick look at the various large cat breeds

  • According to my search, I could not stop myself from putting Savannah F-1 right at the top. This cat is actually formed by the interbreeding process between a Siamese cat and an African Serval cat. This cat is hugely bigger and can even be compared with the dog. Although they are good but when they are out of control, then things could turn a little bit averse. So, it is needless to say that when a list of large cat breed is made, this cat deserves a special mention.
  • When talking about large cat breeds, I must also talk about Norwegian Forest cats. These cats are more like Siberian cats and tend to resemble each other very much. These cats usually are strongly built and are quite hardy. As per the history goes, these cats were found to be present on the earth from round about 1000 AD. The General character trait of these cats is that they remain gentle but when they sense danger, they tend to be quite aggressive.
  • The Maine Coon is another crossbreed between big-haired domestic cat species. One of the major qualities of this type of cat is that it is quite sober and gentle. Not at all ferocious, these cats are really the owner’s delight. These cats are quite muscular and look wise are quite fabulous also. Within three to four years, these kinds of cats attain full maturity.
  • If we talk about large cat breeds, then we cannot simply afford to miss the Rag-dolls. These are another variety of cat breeds which take about 3 years to mature to the adult stage. Born by a crossbreed between an Angora and an unknown breed, these cats are definitely quite impressive.

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